Do I Know You?

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Estelle Jackson-Blofis shoved three blue pancakes into her mouth, ignoring the look her mother was giving her. She had somewhere to be, and she had to get there fast. She had to get to the bottom of that plate. Stella sprung up, slamming her fork onto the table.

"I WON!" she yelled to her older brother Percy, who was ramming them into his mouth one at a time, only because his girlfriend was making him eat them one by one instead of eating all of them at once, which they both knew he could actually easily do.

"Hey, no fair Stella!" Percy said, "Annabeth made me eat them one at a time!" But since his mouth was full of pancakes, it sounded more like 'Annabwef mwade me ead dem one at fa time!'

"Uh, yeah," Annabeth said, "Did you think I wanted you to choke?"

"Well, of course not, but- Stella, where are you going sis?" Percy asked, noticing as Stella opened the front door.

"The park!" Stella yelled, throwing on her silvery jacket that her mom had gotten at a second hand store.

"Alone? Do you want us to come with you?" Percy asked.

Stella shook her head. "I'll be fine."

"You sure?" Percy asked, standing up.

"Certain. Besides, I'm meeting my friends there."

"Are you saying that you're going to be embarrassed of us if we come?" Annabeth asked, smirking.

"No, that's not it. It's just that..." Stella paused, "What if you guys attract monsters?"

"Ok, so now it's not safe if we come with you?" Percy asked.

Stella shook her head. "I'll be fine."

"You sure?" Percy asked, standing up.

"Certain. Besides, I'm meeting my friends there."

"Are you saying that you're going to be embarrassed of us if we come?" Annabeth asked, smirking.

"I said, I'll be fine." She grabbed her floppy green hat that her mom had gotten her at the same second hand store.

"If you insist," Annabeth said.

"Have fun sweety. And make sure that you're back for lunch," Stella's mom, Sally, said.

Stella nodded to her mom then ran outside. She skipped down the sidewalk and crossed the streets dancing. She reached the park and froze.

Sitting on a bench was a boy with raven black hair and a black 'My Chemical Romance' t-shirt. He was wearing jeans and a jacket. His eyes were such a dark shade of brown that they almost looked black. He was seated next to a girl with spiky black hair and electric blue eyes. She wore a tiara and a t-shirt that read 'Death To Barbie'. The girl looked kind of punkish. Stella felt some sense of recognition tickling at the back of her mind. Something about them just seemed familiar.

She approached the kids who looked at least a little younger than Percy and tried to listen in on their conversation.

"Nico! Get over it!" said the girl. "I don't care that the Stolls painted the walls of your cabin pink. We have bigger things to worry about. Like how they stole my arrows!"

"How is that more important?" The boy complained.

"Well, I need my arrows for the hunt, so,"

"Well, I sleep in my cabin, and I can't sleep knowing my walls are pink!"

"Then sleep with your boyfriend."

The Nico kid was about to respond when he noticed Stella staring.

"What are you looking at?" the girl asked.

Stella averted her eyes. She couldn't tell them about the feeling that she had felt, the way she just felt that she knew them even though she had never seen them before in her life.

"Nothing." she mumbled, beginning to walk away.

But the girl squinted at her. "Hey Neeks? Isn't that Percy's little sis?"

"Uhhh..." the boy reluctantly looked up from the McDonald's Happy Meal that Stella hadn't noticed he'd been eating, "I dunno, i guess she looks like him-" he suddenly stopped talking as he finally met her eyes and whispered something to the girl. He pointed at her hat, and Stella could have sworn she saw tears in both of their eyes that were beginning to run streams down their faces down to their chins.

"Nico, it's just a hat," the girl said, though she sounded as though she was convincing herself more than the boy, "anyone could have that hat."

The girl wiped her face and stood up. "I'm Thalia. Percy's cousin,"Thalia pointed to the boy who was now looking back down at his Happy Meal once again, "and that emotional idiot over there is also Percy's cousin, Nico."

So that explained the part about arrows. She must have been a daughter of Apollo. Though, she did look a bit too scary to be a daughter of the sun god. Maybe she was a hunter of Artemis? Yeah, that would have made more sense.

"Can I see your hat?" Thalia asked.

Stella lifted her green floppy hat off her head and handed it to Thalia. Thalia looked inside and started crying even harder.

"Look at this, Nico," She brought the hat over to Nico and held out the tag which read Manufactured in 1937. Nico hiccups as he took the hat into his hands and looked at Stella with sad eyes. Eyes that held so much sorrow. Stella knew a broken soul when she saw one. Percy had the same haunted look in his eyes.

"Where did you get this?" Nico asked, sounding a bit angry.

Stella gulped, "A second hand store. My mom got it for me."

Nico looked at Thalia and said, "It was somewhere here. Why was it here?"

Stella was starting to feel a bit creeped out. Two kids in black that just so happened to be her brother Percy's cousins show up and start crying over a floppy hat from a second hand store. What?

"So I'm just gonna go now..." Stella said in an attempt to slowly slip away. She ditched her plan and decided to grab her hat and run. Behind her, she heard the two kids arguing.

"Nico, you scared her away!"

"Well, it's not exactly my fault that she had Bianca's hat!" That seemed to silence Thalia, because Stella didn't hear anything else as she ran further away. She pulled her phone from her pocket and made a quick text to her friends.

Best Friends ❤✌

Stella :

Hey guys, I can't make it today. I'm not feeling so good today. Sorry.

Alyssa :

Stella, are you sure? We were planning to get ice cream and go to the arcade.

Stella :

Yeah, it's all good. Go without me, I'm fine.

Justin :

If you insist...

Millie :

Feel better!

Stella :

Thanks, I'll see you guys soon!

She put her phone back into her pocket and headed back home.

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