Her ending.

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It felt fake, losing the one thing you never expected to. Taking extra precautions wasn't enough and he knew that now, nothing would've saved her even though he had been so determined. The light of his life who he claimed to be his sun, was now gone.

Six feet under the ground, she laid asleep. Standing in front of the headstone, he allowed the warm air of spring blind his senses, deafening him as he refused to listen to anything but the memories inside his head.
Eyes shut tight, he inhaled, forcing her joyful laughing to fill his mind.

It was almost like a replay of everything they had been through. This feeling of pain was worse than any stake to the heart. He lost his joy, his rock, his sun, his guide, his everything.

He could see her now, happily standing in the ocean like she had done when they figured out the sun wasn't harmful to them, that it was just a myth they blindly followed.

"Get in!" She had called, smile brighter than anything he had ever seen.

He had shaken his head no, bathing in the sun was what he had so desperately wanted to do and that's what he was going to do.

Of course refusing her was like telling a child no as she pulled herself from the salty water and on to the burning sand, walking straight towards her stubborn husband.

She had hugged him, the cold water causing his vampiric skin to flare up in goosebumps that he hardly ever got. He called out her name while she jumped away from him like a child, running away from him as fast as possible.

Standing from his towel, he went after her, catching up quicker than a normal human could. Gripped her waist, he threw her over his shoulder gaining a shriek from his wife.

He went towards the blue water, threw her in a she had protested against him.

How he missed her dearly. To think they had plans to go back to the beach for her birthday nearly shattered his undead heart.

The memory of the beach ended in an exchange of loving words and kisses, her small frame pulled protectively into his side.
Pulling himself together, he gazed to the limp rose in his hand, dropped it down on the fresh pile of dirt.

He had to leave before he broke and someone saw him. His ego telling him that he was too strong to be crying over a woman; a woman he cared about so much that he would give his eternal life to her, even if she didn't want it.
Shifting to leave, a loud but muffled banging forced him to stop. He already knew what it was and he had hoped that it wouldn't happen.

Another loud hit and then a scream, causing him to flinch. The scream was filled with pain, the same scream that erupted from her when she was killed.

He wanted to dig up the hole, fall to his knees and rip up all the dirt but that wouldn't help. She was amongst the souls trapped and he felt guilty for that. Maybe if she had died in the correct time it wouldn't have happened.
Dracula covered his ears, the screaming and crying growing louder and louder until-
He gasped for air, jumping to sit up on the bed. He shook with fear as he forced his eyes to dilate with the dark room. The room familiar as the scent of him and her filled his nose. Whipping his head to the left side of the bed, he saw her chest rise and fall as that was always a habit she held on to.

Dracula sighed with relief as the worry and anxiety left his body. Turning, he hugged her body from behind, waking her in the process.

"Again?" Her voice hoarse with sleep, fingers running through his hair.

He nodded, felt her body shift so his head was pressed against her chest, her thin arms wrapping around him as a way to comfort him.

"Want to talk about it?"

"No," Count shook his head. "I don't want to think about it."

"Okay," She answered simply, eyes still closed as she traced shapes along his back, soothing him.

Agatha knew he would talk to her later on about it, but for now, she wouldn't nag him to tell her.

"Go back to sleep. I'll be right here, Vlad. I'm not going anywhere," Her voice was promising, kind and comforting.

He didn't respond, just held her tighter replicating what a child would do after becoming frightened. Her words told him that he was safe with her, that she wasn't leaving and he wouldn't have to feel the pain of abandonment that he had felt before, when his mother had passed long ago.

Eyes shutting as he became drowsy, he heard Agatha hum a tune she didn't remember the words to. It was better without words anyway, as the sound filled his ears, and led him on to a path of sleep. Images filling his mind that were of Agatha, his sun and light, the woman he loved dearly and would hold forever.
Jeez, it's been so long since i've updated 😩 i've been so busy! i'm writing like four stories right now 💔

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