Duel JaegerXKatanaWorld Buddy!Reader

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       -Blooming white blossoms over the clear ocean-

Each night, when there's a full moon... Duel Jaeger comes from the ocean to look up at the night sky. Like every night, he admires it's beauty upon the dark blanket of the sky, among the stars that sparkle like diamonds.
As much as he doesn't mind looking after his own buddy, whom could possibly get in trouble at any time due to the large ocean, it's good to have some time for himself. Looking at the full moon is taking a break to him, from his duties and title as a deity.

 The water was gently moving as usual.. although, for a his element being water, Jaeger knew someone was there. In a flash, the calm waters erupted into columns, and as the water fell back down, he could see piercing eyes through the falling crystal droplets. 

This irritated him even more... as he swung around his anchor-like staff, he felt something being hit by the smooth part of the anchor. A small figure was seen being thrown into the water, before jumping back up into the sky. Duel Jaeger could see the moon glowing behind their darkened figure... as they land on his head.

He growled, and telepathically asked the figure, " Who are you... What do you want from me. " The figure jumped down to his hand, looking at him.. they said, " Blooming Ninja Y/n. As for what I want.. merely want to know you better. "

The large deity raised a brow, although didn't argue against it. This is the first time that someone other than his buddy and those three turtles started a conversation with him. He then asked y/n, " Hmph.. I don't suppose this conversation could get any more awkward..? " Y/n smiled under their mask and takes it off, " Ah.. whatever makes you think that.~ "

Jaeger sighed to himself, and looks at the moon. Y/n looks at his gaze, and then at the large full moon... before mumbling, " Quite the beauty, isn't it.. " The large dragon nods, as they both looked at the moon in peaceful silence...

Seasons had passed since their encounter, the two monsters from different worlds, became close friends in that one night. Every full moon, the Deity and ninja met up, their friendship growing... and soon did their passion for one another. 

Of course, while two beings from different worlds falling for one another isn't unheard of, it can be difficult for them. Such as when they need help or advice to confess their love, but they're unsure how as the culture and ways of each world are different from one another.

This happened with Duel Jaeger. Who, and multiple options... One, show his love to y/n in the ways of what he was taught from his world. (Well, from what he's heard and seen anyways) Two, ask other Katana monsters that he, in the least, are acquainted with.. such as Tsukikage and Byakuya.. Or three, the choice he ended up choosing... Asking his buddy for advice.

The moment when Jaeger explained to his buddy, Dai's expression went from shocked to a large cheeky smile. He cried out, " A festival! A festival! My buddy is finding love festival!! " a quote which Jaeger tried to calm down... As he also feels embarrassed in himself for not knowing how to do something so simple. 

Dai chuckles, before looking up at the sky. " It's been about a year right? Maybe you should tell them on the day you guys met!  " The large dragon looks at his buddy, and then at the large fluffy clouds in the clear sky. Jaeger nods towards Dai saying, " Thank you... my friend. "Before making his way back to Ancient World.

Y/n hopped to a large rock in the ocean, and looks at the night sky. They murmured to them self, " Today was the day I met him... " Smiling under their mask, y/n sat down on the rock, waiting for their bigger friend.

Soon enough, Duel Jaeger appeared from the ocean, and looks at the smaller ninja. Y/n took off their mask, as they tilted their head smiling at the deity. - ' Agh... how do you manage to look so beautiful... my dear y/n... ' - Jaeger thought to himself, before kneeling down in front of the smaller ninja, much to y/n's surprise. 

Since the large dragon usually would've let y/n jump to his shoulder them self, unless they were hurt or sore. He takes out his hand, to which y/n jumped on. They looked at the sky, as they asked, " Are you alright...? You're acting kinda strange. " Jaeger had raised the hand to level up with his face.

Y/n noticed this, and looks at Jaeger. The Dragon took a deep breath.. and said, " My dear y/n... A year of being in your warm presence... Had melted my protected heart... So please, will you be mine...? "

Y/n was speechless, but they already knew their answer... They always have. " Well, what else would my answer be? " They said, while leaning onto Jaeger's thumb, " Of course silly! " Jaeger couldn't explain this sensation in his heart.. Even if he tried. 

The full moon shined her veil of moonlight over the two monsters... Possibly a way of showing them her blessing, as the ocean's waves flowed in peace. The cool midnight breeze dance with sakura petals that came from nearby Sakura trees, some of which falling into the ocean's crystal clear waters. 

 " I'll love you forever y/n... " 

 " and your love is one I'll cherish forever Jaeger.. "


Author's note! 

I'm so sorry for this story to take so long to get out, since I had to make sure Jaeger isn't too ooc (out of character) and that the mc ( reader ) is gender neutral. Among many aspects of the story, the plot's transition was honestly the hardest to form.

Though I hope you still enjoy this one shot regardless, Have a great day!

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