15. Clara

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Possibly triggering themes, missing of parents (makes me cry so I put it up here)

I sat in a chair outside the headmaster's office. Someone had decided that the fact I'd been vanished was a bigger deal than they had made it when they first found out, and so I was supposed to talk to Dumbledore about it. But it was a busy day for visiting the headmaster, because he was in there for a long time with someone who was in there when I arrived.
A strange clock with six hands counted time that I knew for a fact wasn't correct, but I glanced at it every once in a while on the off chance that I might be suddenly able to read it. I was not, but I kept looking.
There was a bit of shouting in DUmbledore's office and I awkwardly gleaned anywhere but at the door out of respect. The door from the staircase opened and McGonagall walked in with a guilty looking Violet and a stone-faced Harrison in tow. I gaped.
"Do close your mouth, Miss Potter." McGonagall told me sternly, and I clamped my jaw shut. Harrison gestured for VIolet to sit and stood beside her silently. VIolet didn't look at me. I was too afraid to ask what they did with McGonagall in the room. THe older woman stood, back straight as a board, watching the door. I looked at my shoes, tapping the toes together noiselessly. Violet tucked her hair behind her ear and the several piercings glinted in the light. I stared at them before looking away quickly.
The door finally opened and an older kid with dark skin raced from the room. We all glanced expectantly at Dumbledore.
"Oh, Clara, wonderful. Professor McGonagall? I wasn't expecting you, Miss Prince, or Mr. Gold." Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling, but curious.
"Prince and Gold decided it would be a good idea to skip multiple classes, show up late to mine, and take a walk around the castle grounds instead of attending classes." McGonagall explained furiously. I stared at Harrison and Violet. Both of them stared at the floor.
"Ah," Said Dumbledore. "Miss Potter."
McGonagall scoffed as I followed Dumbledore into his office and sat down in a chair across from his desk. Dumbledore sat and took off his glasses, rubbing his temples.
"I am quite old, Miss Potter." He told me. "Perhaps too old."
I was silent. He put his glasses back on and folded his hands on top of his desk.
"You were vanished."
"Yes sir." I replied quietly. There were shouts of outrage from the portraits on the wall behind him that Dumbledore ignored.
"Do you know why?"
"You know Lord Voldemort is in power where I'm from?" I asked. The headmaster nodded. "Well, his Death Eaters got quite the kick out of experimenting on random people." I told him. "Well, not all of them. A man called Lucius told his friend who performed the spell that experimenting on children was forbidden, but his friend didn't care and vanished me anyway." Tears pricked my eyes at the thought of my parents and my brother noticing one day that I was just gone. They wouldn't have been able to search. They would think I was dead. I bit my lip hard.
"Do you know the exact spell used on you?"
"It was Evanesco"
Dumbledore looked grim for a moment. "That will not be easy, or safe, to reverse."
"I know."
"But you want to do it anyway."
"I miss my parents, Headmaster." I admitted, choking up a bit. "I miss my mom. I want to go home." I sobbed slightly, but scrubbed at my eyes with my sleeves and sniffed, trying to pretend I wasn't fighting tears.
"I understand, Miss Potter, and I will do my best to get you home as soon as I can." Dumbledore told me. I nodded.
"Is there something else I should know about the situation?"
"We can use many reversal potions." I told him. At the questioning look he gave me, I continued. "I'm allergic to cinnamon. It's used in a lot of potions, including reversal potions." I told him. Dumbledore nodded in acknowledgement.
"Noted. Please be on your way, Miss POtter. I will make sure to tell you about any developments." He told me with a smile. I nodded, standing.
I sent Harrison and Violet a sympathetic smile as I left, and i made my way back to charms, the class I'd been pulled from to talk to the headmaster. It was almost over, so I was told to just go over the material for the rest of the class. Across from me and on the other side of the room, Ginny gestured slightly to ask how the meeting went. I shrugged, letting her know it wasn't awful but wasn't amazing. She furrowed her brow and I pressed my lips together in a "it is what it is" kind of expression.
At least we were trying now.

819 words

I know, shortest chapter ever. This is all I had though.

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