1 - The Butterflies in My Stomach, Ben

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Leslie has had the name Benjamin written on her arm since the day she turned sixteen. Her soulmate. It was a cursive word, written in a thin black line atop the veins on her wrist. It was very masculine, and Leslie loved that name. Benjamin. Benji. Ben. She had met many Bens in her life, but never one she could call a romantic interest, much less a soulmate. Out there, she hoped someday to meet "the one". She knew that their paths were destined to cross at some point, it was just a matter of time.

A little fact about Leslie was that she had never been on a proper date before, nor a relationship. She made out with a couple random guys in her college days, but never anything past that. She had wanted to have her first relationship with her supposed other half, and she wanted it, and them to be perfect.


The state auditors were coming today, and they were going to slash the shit out of the Parks Department budget.

"Fuck." Leslie thought, walking out of Ron's office. Of course he had to be happy about it. No budget = no new projects.

About half an hour later, two men walked into the Pawnee Parks Department. One of them looked like he was about to burst open with excitement, while the other kept his head down and towards the ground, not making eye contact with anyone.

'Even though he is handsome.' Leslie noted, trying to take that thought out of her brain.

Chris was the name of the more happy gentleman, and he gave Leslie Knope a shred of hope that today's meeting wouldn't be the worst day of her life.

"People, we are here from the state budget office from Indianapolis. Ooh. What does that mean? Look, simply we are here to tinker with your budget. Think of the government as a broken-down carousel. We're going to slap on a new coat of paint, we are going to fix that broken speaker system, and we are going to get those happy kids back up on the horses where they belong!" Chris said to everyone, while they were standing around him. "My partner Ben, is going to stick around for a bit, and I will see you all later."



    This was the first time today she had heard that name, and to be fair, it is a common name. But something about this man made her stomach fill up with butterflies.

    But, sometimes butterflies are crushed as soon as they come around.

Ben was an ass. It was clear that he was the bad cop out of the pair of state auditors. Ben wanted to cut half of the budget of all the departments in order to keep the government afloat. Leslie definitely decided then and there that he was not her soulmate, and started to hate the man within the ten minute conversation she had with him.

"You're a jerk." She looked him dead in the eyes, meaning every last word.

"I'm sorry?" Ben responded.

"Easy" Ron interjected, trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry. These are real people in a real town, working in a real building, with real feelings."

"The building... has feelings?" He asked.

"Maybe it does. How can you be so blasé about this?" Leslie said

"Because I didn't cause these problems, Ms. Knope. Your government did. I'll get what I need from the spreadsheets. Thanks." Ben responded, and proceeded to leave, frustrated.

"I could've been nicer to him, but he is still an ass." Leslie thought.

This man was definitely not her soulmate. Definitely not.


Leslie and Ann were at April's 21st birthday party at the Snakehole lounge, and Leslie was ranting to Ann about her bad day with the state auditors.

"So there was this guy BEN, and he was a dick." Leslie drunkenly slurred "and HE had my soulmate's name. How dare he?"

"Damn. Is he your soulmate? He still could be your soulmate. Like an enemies to lovers type of thing." Ann said.

"No... He couldn't be. I only like good guys. That man is not good." Leslie responded, seeing the two state auditors enter the club. "Fuck, that's him."

"Be professional" Ann advised, looking at Leslie knowing goddamn well she would not take her advice.

Leslie stuck out her hand at an odd angle as some sort of drunk defense.

"Look, I kind of feel like we got off on the wrong foot. So I just wanted to stop by and-" Ben started to say while shaking Leslie's drunk hand.

"Yeah well save your breath, ok? Just get out of here." Leslie cut him off, 'Because this is a party with my friends, and you're trying to fire all my friends. Plus, I just talked to everybody in this bar, and nobody wants you here."

"That must've taken a while." He retorted, almost smiling.

"Yeah, it did." She said. "You're a cold, careless person. And you want to kill people with machetes. And Ann is right. I shouldn't make my own plan, so that you can't hurt us. And that's what I'm gonna do.

"Okay. Then I'll just see you tomorrow. Sorry to bother you." He responded dejectedly with a grimace plastered on his face.

"Get out of here." Leslie glared at him as he was leaving.

"Leslie? That was so professional. I'm so proud of you." Ann spoke sarcastically.

"Thank you."

"Leslie, he was cute, and I mean hot. Like really hot."  Ann said, "Maybeeeee he's your soulmate?"

"Fine. Maybe he gave me butterflies. Before he opened his fat mouth."

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