The Prisoner

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Sun slides through bars, painted stripes of life on slick walls.

Memories of what happened resurface every time the new year comes

At times I wondered was it worth it?

To permantely isolate myself in this arena

a place filled with bitterness, and angry glares.

They're a reflection of the life they've lived.

I used to watch them, during the lunch hour.

How they seemed to blame me for the perdicament they've put themselves in.

As if I was to blame for their misfourtune

I hoped one day to forgive you

but that day never came.

The guard blows the whistle and my officer comes up to me and grabs my arm reluctantly.

They take me back to my chamber

In a matter of days , my soul will finally have peace....

I no longer care about the events that lead up to now,

in the meantime i will sit here night and day

as the sun slides through the bars and barbed wire to wave hello and kiss me goodbye

I try to forget the bloodshed and focus on they lives painted on these slick , porcelain, walls.

Then somehow I force myself to sleep.....


 Author's Note: this has three parts please guys give me feedback on this once all three parts are out. i'd really appreciate it thanks :)

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