Author's Note

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Hello guys! Hope everyone is doing good in these testing times. I was a silent reader till now on Wattpad. So this is my first ever Wattpad story. I really hope you guys like it and I can make you guys smile even if it's just for 5-10 mins. I really wish to write and update this story as regularly as possible. Please do support me.

Also this story is a fiction and is taken and carved out of my imagination. This is an original story of mine and I hope you all respect my creation and not copy this. Thanks for reading and enjoy the story.

Any feedback, suggestions regarding story, my writing and the cover is totally welcome. I would love it if any of you guys can create a better cover for this and I will update the cover accordingly. If you guys have any fan art or something you want me to include in the upcoming chapters, do let me know.

First part will be out soon!

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