High School Dream Chapter One

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"Maddie get your ass out of bed!" My dad yelled up the stairs as I put in my other earring carefully.

"I'm coming father." I mocked lightly as I slipped on some tan wedge boots and laced them up. adjusted everything in the mirror as a final check and hopped down the stairs. I smelt bacon and eggs from the kitchen accompanied by the sweet smell of French toast. Score, mom stayed home

"Mornin  love how'd you sleep?" My mother Avery Irwin answered she was wearing one of my dad's tee shirts and some flannel pants. Her short straight hair was pulled into an attempted ponytail, and as she turned to face me she smiled really happily," You look pretty. I wouldn't tell your dad who you're all dressed up for." She winked before redirecting her attention back to the breakfast.

I scoffed," I wouldn't be surprised if he already knows since you don't try to be subtle about it mother." I picked up a piece of the warm, powdered toast and bit into it lightly.

" Trust me Madeline if he knew Mason would be-," She drew a line with her nail across her neck dramatically acting dead for a minute.

I laughed a little," Where is dear old dad this morning?"

"Ashton Fletcher is in the kitchen ladies and gentlemen please try to contain yourselves." my dad walked into the kitchen in a Blink-182 tee shirt and black skinny jeans. His old drum sticks stuck out of his back pockets meaning he'd been writing again.

My mom scoffed lightly," Baby you're lucky I fell in love with you because you are ridiculously cocky."

"You love it." he snatched a piece of bacon of the tray and stuck it in his mouth before my mom could stop him.

She shook her head and smiled lightly," You'll be the death of me Ash."

"And your cooking will be the death of me." he kissed her forehead.

They both laughed enjoying their little moment. My parents had always been open with their love. My dad was super affectionate with my mother always making her laugh or surprising her, my dad did anything and everything to make her smile.

I cleared my throat," So where exactly does Daniel happen to be?" I raised an eyebrow.

My dad looked over to me a faint smile grazing his lips," Where he always is Maddie, practicing."

-- ----

You see my brother had this thing with music. Ever since he was little he would climb onto my dad's drumming stool and smash on the drums. When he got older he got into guitar and then piano and eventually singing. He started some band with my uncles son's and they kept it to themselves. See the boys had not intention to become famous. They honestly didn't want to. It stayed pretty lowkey for a while until at some dance, the shit band the school had hired canceled, the boys offered out of pure pity to play and they became a smash at our school. They only one who didn't play in the band was Jackson Hood. He was the star captain of the soccer team. You see every school has their thing, football, lacrosse, etc. Our school's was soccer. Jackson and Cirsty had this unofficial thing ever since sophomore year. Oh yeah Cirsty Hemmings. All the boys of the original 5sos band had a set of twins boy-girl. Naturally our fathers were best friends so we saw each other constantly, which in time made us all good friends. My best friend was Cirsty. She was practically my sister and my parents treated her like their own child. Cirsty was gorgeous. She had this sleek blonde hair that was naturally flawless and straight. Her eyes were this piercing blue color that took you by surprise and made you nervous and timid if you were in some sort of stare down with her. She was roughly five four but always wore some sort of heel or wedge that made her five seven or five eight. Every girl wanted to fuck, kill, or be Cirsty Hemmings, and she knew it.

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