30. joonie and chim chim

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"Thanks for inviting us Hobi! You too Yoongles! Don't stay up too late now and use protection!"

"AY! JOON!" Hoseok and Yoongi started to blush profusely as Namjoon waved goodbye alongside Jimin.

Jimin left with Namjoon while Hoseok and Yoongi walked in the opposite direction.

"Ahhh! I haven't had that much fun in a while! We should go out more often!"

"Y-Yeah... U-Um... Joonie?"


"A-Actually I'll tell you when we reach your apartment."

"Ok, whatever floats your boat. You know, it's kinda late so why don't you just stay with me?

"S-Stay w-with you? O-Oh s-sure, cuz you know, I've done that loads of times before. A-And e-each time I see you walk out the shower with wet hair. Not saying that's a bad thing, cuz you look gorgeou- I mean you look o-ok..."

Namjoon chuckled at Jimin.

"Of course, I definitely look gorgeou- I mean ok whenever I walk out of the shower with wet hair. Maybe today I should walk out shirtless too?"

"DON'T DO THAT! I-I mean, hey! Uh... please don't do that?"

"Hahaha! Jimin, you're really cute. No homo, cuz we abandoned that path for a long time, right?"

Jimin's face dropped but quickly brought it back up with a fake smile.


"Oh! Here we are!"

Namjoon and Jimin made their way up to Namjoon's room.

"You wanna shower first Chim Chim?"


Jimin made his way to the shower and let the water run through his hair.

"What the heck do I do now? Ahhhhh I can't think straight. It's ok Jimin, you'll get through this. You've been in this position countless times before. Dumbass. Those were all the times before you realized your feelings for Joon stupid! What do I do?"

As he was drying off, Jimin was panicking not knowing how to act around Namjoon or what to say.

"It's fine, just act natural!"

"Chim Chim?"


"Come dry your hair!"


"Stupid bitch stop screaming like that!" Jimin internally cursed at himself.

"Ahhh that was refreshing." Namjoon stepped out of his bathroom, shirtless as promised.

"AHH!" Jimin covered his eyes as his face turned red.

"HAHAHA! Ok, ok I'll put on a shirt."

Each of them got ready to sleep as Namjoon walked over to turn off the lights. Then he walked back to his bed, whilst Jimin got comfy on the couch.

"Hey Jimin. Just come sleep next to me. Come on, the couch is uncomfortable."

"N-No, it's really fine over here. H-Hey! W-What are you doing?!"

Namjoon picked up Jimin, and carried him bridal style.

"Stop worrying Jimin, just relax and sleep with me."

Jimin could feel the warmth of Namjoon's body, his strong arms and gentle touch. The nice scent of the body wash he used and the feeling of being held.

Namjoon placed Jimin on one side of the bed while he made his way to the other.

"Sleep tight Chim Chim."

"Y-Yeah... Uh, Joonie?"


"I-I like you."

"I like you too Chim Chim."

"N-No, like. 'Like-like' you."

Jimin didn't know what overcame him at that point; his mind was blank and he didn't know what he was saying. Once he finally realized the words that had come out of his mouth, he started to try and take back what he said. Ready to throw excuses and already wanted to stab himself for being stupid.

Namjoon rolled around to face Jimin.


"N-No! I-I mean... no..? Oh you know what, I don't care anymore, yes I like you! I really really like you, and if you turn me down I totally get it because I- Mm!"

Jimin was took by surprise when Namjoon suddenly leaned in and placed his lips on his own. It was a soft and gentle one. His eyes were closed whilst Jimin's ones were wide open from the shock.

"I wanted to do it first this time." Namjoon showed his cute dimples.

"I- *incoherent muffled screaming*"

"Hehehe, Chim Chim you're really cute." Namjoon grinned.

"C-Can you d-do it again?"

"Hm? Do what?" He teasingly asked.

"U-Uh, the thing you did before... You know t-the one where y-you use your lips..."

"Huh? I'm confused Chim Chim~"


Namjoon smiled wider and connected their lips again. Jimin's heart fluttered a little as he smiled into their kiss.

"I-I love you Joonie."

"After 2 years, I think it'll take some time to rekindle the love I once had for you."

"O-Of course. U-Um... W-Will you be my boyfriend?"

"You don't have to ask me twice." Namjoon pulled Jimin in for a hug as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"J-Joonie..? Are you crying?"

"H-Huh? O-Oh *sniffs* I guess I am... You finally return my feelings Chim Chim."

"Hehe... Yeah... I did." Jimin now had tears streaming down his face too, as he smiled at Namjoon.

That night they fell asleep in each other's arms, snoring softly and peacefully. Jimin and Namjoon were finally happy, being with the one that they truly love.

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