Eternally Us

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"I love the smell of cut grass"

"You love everything Fio." I look up.

"It just smells like summer!" Fio exclaims taking a wiff of the summer air.

I laugh. "We should do this more often."

We smile at each other as three big birds and one little baby bird land near them looking hungry. I throw some seed towards them and everyone gets some. But the little bird.

"Aw the little guy didn't get any." Fio frowns. "Amber see if you can get him to eat some."

I throw some towards the little bird but the big guys out run him and eat all the seeds. Fio frowns again.

"Aw the other guys are to quick for him" I frown.

I throw seeds to the left for the big guys and to the right at the little guy. The little guy pecks at the food thrown to him.

"Sometimes" Fio begins as I look up at her "life isn't fair."

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Sometimes, it's just like we're fighting so, so hard and what do we get?" Fio says. I give a confused look. "One bad hand and it's all over." Fio answers to my confused look.

"Fio what are you saying?" I still don't understand. Fio stands up and walks towards the birds and they fly away.

She stand in silence for a few minutes, staring blankly at the endless sidewalk, though i diner know what she was looking at, at the time.

"Fio?" I begin to worry.

"I love the park this time of year." Fio looks around. I walk to Fio.

"Yeah. It's pretty.. I guess..."

"Amber... There's something I have to tell you." Fio says.

Time stops. A door opens and a creepy zombie guy walks out.


I don't realize the guy until he says with his raspy voice "She's gone, Amber..." I turn around.

"Wha-What do you mean?" I don't know what do to. "N-No she's right there." I stutter.

"Look again" the creepy guy says.

I look again. She's gone!

"Fio! Wait!" Everything turns drippy looking and the sky becomes a blood red.

"Why do you fight it?" He comes up behind me.

"What's happening." I turn around and I am face to face with the zombie guy.

"Tick tock, Amber, Tick tock." The guy says.

"Where's Fio!?" I cry out.

"Tick tock.... Oh. But it seems your time.... Is already up." He stares into my eyes.

"Who are you? What have you done with Fio!?" I cry again.

"What have I done with her? I've taken everything she was and left the bitter taste in your mouth..." His eyes are gleaming red.

"You can't fight me. You can't plead with me. I take what I will and leave only that which you pray to God will leave you everytime the sun sets."

"The pain, The longing, That stinging feeling in your heart that perhaps there was something you could've done." His voice makes it even more depressing than ever.

"No!" I began to cry.

"Once I've taken my fill and drained you dry, Once the sound of the last chime had died to nothing, all you'll have is the endless reminder that..TIME. GOES. ON."

Eternally UsWhere stories live. Discover now