War changes people - 2

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sorry for all the mistakes I'm running on 2 hours of sleep and coffee lol.

I hope you have a good day/night and stay safe!!


The sounds of people and laughing echoed from a small building on the corner of the street, it was the only building with it's lights on in the entire town.

The inside was full of people laughing and drinking, teasing each other on who lost the battle prior and betting who would win next.

Some people enjoyed sitting with friends enjoying their conversations about anything new they could think of, some enjoyed a game of pool or darts as they threw comments and jokes at eachother.

Everyone was enjoying this small amount of peace they had away from work and their leaders terrible rules, what so happened meant everything they did was always wrong.

Suddenly the front door slams open and there stands the commanders of both the army's, the one from the north and the other the south, shouting at everyone to shut up and listen to them.

"What's going on?", people murmured as they tried to give them selves hope that whatever made those two upset was just some misunderstanding but no one can have what they want anymore.

"It's the leaders!" one of the men shouted from the entrance as the other continued so he could carry on trying to catch his breath,

"They want to watch us fight to see how we can 'improve'",

The whole room echoed with shouts and protest from the news they had heard, there was no way they could fight peacefully if their leaders were watching, they would all be killed for disobeying their orders!

After around 3 hours everyone had come to a great idea on how they could keep their lives while not letting their bosses know what really happens on the battle field, their plan was genius, outstanding, perfect even!

The weather the next day was terrible, the ground was wet from night time showers and the sky was dark from what was left of it.

The sound of a truck got louder as it got closer to the battle ground, splashing water as it sped through the puddles that soaked the floor.

The slamming of the car's doors echoed across the street as a short chubby man stepped out of the car, he had a cigar between his lips as he puffed out the smoke.

Next to him was a lanky man around 40 who's eyes darted around the area in fear and confusion, the shorter of the due looked up at the tall man.

"Where's the god damned General, isn't he supposed to be here?",

The taller man shook as he looked briefly at the man before begining to walk forward towards the large green building infront of them, the door opened to show a room full of weapons and gear but the one thing missing was the solders.

The room was dark and empty, most of the guns looked like they where barely touch due to the dust and cobwebs covering them.

The Generals face turned red in anger while his tall secretary looked around before seeing a note on one of the tables.

Picking up the note his eyes slightly widened as he skimmed through before rushing back to the generals side.


The man turned around and looked up at his secretary but before he could shout at him a note was pushed into his hands.

"-This was left by the sergeant sir.",

The man's eyes skimmed the note, the cigar that was in his mouth fell to the ground as he bit into it out of anger.

He turned around and grabbed the closest weapon and began walking towards the door,

"Sir? Where are you going?",

The shorter man briefly stopped before opening the door and walking out, the taller man sighed before jogging out the door in order to catch up with his boss.

The men stood face to face unaffected by the rain soaking them as they tightened their grips on their guns, they where both ready to cause bloodshed upon the others missing army's.

Both their secretary hid behind a wall making bets on who would win while trying to convince one another that their boss's would be fine.

In one building through a shattered window stood two men, the Generals watch with anticipation and fear for what would happen on the ground below them, either one of their boss's die and everybody becomes unemployed or they both die making things evan worse. Either way they knew they where done for.

Both men looked at the watches hoping someone would show up and help, before abruptly one of the men dropped their gun on the floor and shook their head.

Both Generals looked at each other in shock as both of their boss's started walking towards one of their armouries, what where they doing.

It seemed like the secretary's had a similar and followed their boss's with shock on their faces.

Later that day people sat in at the bar murmuring about what could happen and where they would go when they would eventually be told their jobs are over.

Both Generals walked in causing the room to go silent as they looked at their blank faces.

"So which one died?",

As soon as he spoke someone elbowed him in the rib cage before looking back towards the Generals, they both briefly looked at each other before looking forward,

"Well-", One began before the other cut him off "-Neither"

The room went silent spare for a few glasses falling from people's hands and to the floor.

"What do you mean neither?",

The room suddenly was filled with questions to events that had happened pryer but one thing was for sure was that everybody feared what would happen the next day, well if there was a tomorow for any of them.

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