Chapter 7 - The Text

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I was studying when I hear a beep on my phone. I opened the text which is from an unknown number.
' If your a triangle you'll be acute one ' - unknown number
I think I know who is this.. I press his number and save it as ' The Boy Next Door '
' Where did you get my number ? ' - Arabella
I can't hold the smile forming on my lips. I don't even know why I feel this feeling towards him.
' I told you earlier Shortcake, I had my source ' - The Boy Next Door
I know in that remarks of him his smirking that damn sexy smirk
' Fuck off !! ' - Arabella
' Fuck In !! ' - The Boy Next Door
' I hate you ' - Arabella
' If you think I'll say the antonym of that phrase well sorry to disappoint you Shortcake, but I'll not' - The Boy Next Door
What!? Does he really think I'd like him to say that ?? Well I don't!! But why do I feel a little upset?
' Bye ' - Arabella
' Ok , your legs must be tired ' - The Boy Next Door
' What!? ' - Arabella
' I texted you that your legs must be tired cause you have been on my mind all night!! Bye Bella
Xoxo ; Your Vampire,
Edward ;) - The Boy Next Door

Can he please stop his pick up line? It's killing me slowly.
Ahhhhh!! I hate being like this!! Smiling like a fool and blushing a deep shade of red while holding my phone in my heart !!
I was disturbed of my thoughts when I heard my stomach's noise.
Ohh I can't take this long distance relationship
you're coming in my room!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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