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I hate to sit beside someone I've been avoiding for the past few days.

But the person sitting beside me was not just someone. He was someone I yearned for, something I was so desperately trying to hold on to but let go of at the same time because I was too afraid.

It might look stupid that I avoided him all day when he was so obvious. The man in front of me was someone who would write little quotes and greeting on a sticky note. He would somehow slip a little paper crane in my lockers during break time.

He would leave a carton of my favourite banana milk in my bag with a note attached. He was not someone who would do this, but he did it to make my day.

You must tell me I was stupid to let go of such a man, and yes, I might regret one day knowing that he might not be in my arms but in someone else, but it was a burden I had to hold onto the rest of my life.

So when I told the girls what had happened that day, they all had the same answer and told me I should never let the guy go. Especially if he was someone special because chances like this will not come by the second time, and I might agree.

We would always talk late at night about how he was afraid of love but was ready to love. It made me wonder how someone like him could have such a big heart for everyone.

Love is a dangerous weapon. Use it well, and then you get internal happiness. Use it wrong, and the burden of inner misery is what you get.

After receiving feedback and a little research on love, I didn't know how to respond. I was not ready to step ahead alone, but with a hand that had grasped mine, maybe I will be able to dance a step forward.

"I didn't accept her, if you are wondering, Heeyeol, she was just a junior who needed help. I couldn't deny her being the captain of the English department. I could only help her, and she somehow thought I might like her," he mumbled, "I rejected her."

"Why did you reject her? She seems so nice."

"She is... but she is not the girl that made my heart flutter when I saw her first thing in the morning, she's not the girl whose smiles will make my world stop, and she's not the girl who stole my heart," he was looking at me.


"I love you, Moon Heeyeol," looking at him," I'm so sorry I implied you as a liar, and I didn't think through... I was afraid of myself too, you are so good at being accurate, and if it's a dream, it's just something I don't want to wake up to when I read your letter. I couldn't help to see your immense love, and I thought I should love you equally, and I didn't think that it was something you're used to," he stops.

To All The Boys I've Loved ✔️Where stories live. Discover now