Unlikely angel

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Harry lay there, it was winter so he was freezing. He had managed to get a hot sausage roll of a passer by, and a cup of hot coffee. He was now lay down in the snowy ally way. People gave him dirty looks constantly and as much as he didn't like it there was nothing he could do. He just let them because a dainty seventeen year old like him couldn't fight for himself.

Now it was night and it was freezing cold in the dark snowy ally was, he was shivering and had only the protection of a jacket, jumper, trousers and shoes with holes. He cuddles his teddy bear close and since it was dark and no one would see, he put in his pacifier, he had never given it up and his parents didn't mind so he kept it. He heard foot steps approaching and took his pacifier out and hid it in his pocket.

"What's up freak" a deep voice rung out in the ally, a tall man with dark hair and dark cold eyes towered over him, "please sir just leave me alone" Harry said knowing what was coming, "how about no, I'm gonna have fun with you" he said creepily, he yanked Harry to his feet, Harry whimpered. The man palmed Harry and laughed when he felt he was flat. "Even more of a freak than I thought". He put a hand down Harry's pants and just before he could touch Harry's special place, a fist collided with the mans face, "get off him you creep!" A slightly higher voice shouted, all of a sudden Harry was flung over the mans shoulder and he ran.

They got to a van and Harry was gently sat in the open back, "hey buddy calm down, you're safe now. That man won't get you" the mans comforting voice came, "im Louis, Louis Tomlinson" he introduced himself,  "I- I'm h Harry sty-les" he shivers fearfully. "Where's your parents" he asks carefully, "I I'm homeless" Harry admits shamefully. "Cmon let's get you warm" Louis says as he lifts Harry and places him in the passenger seat.

Harry sits timidly in the passenger seat nearly taking a heart attack when the radio goes on, it's been a while since he had heard one. "So Harry, when we get to my house, me and you will go in, you can go and bath, and I will have a towel and clean clothes ready for you getting out, that okay?" Louis questions carefully, he knew how afraid homeless kids could be, "yeh, that's f-fine" Harry responds cautiously.

They pulled up at a large mansion style home and Harry's mouth dropped. "Let's go in love, get you all warm and cozy" Louis spoke softly. They walking in and although it was large it was homey. "Right so the shower is in that room over there and I will have a pair of warm pyjamas outside it for you love" Louis said pointing to a door down the hall a bit.

Harry stepped in the shower in awe of how big and luxurious it was. Dripping with opulence. He let the warm water hit him like comforting bullets and after he relaxed for a while he washed his hair with a strawberry scented shampoo and something he didn't know but it was also for hair and strawberry scented, 'con- conditioner?' He thought. After a while, he got out the shower and was surprised to see fluffy pink pyjama trousers, a cream fluffy pyjama top with a black heart in the middle. He stuck them on after drying off with a towel. And it. Was. Heavenly. Nervously, he padded down the hall towards a warmly lit room with the faint noise of tv characters playing. "Hello love, did you enjoy the shower" Louis asked with a wide smile. "Um, y-yeh mr. It was nice" Harry spoke timidly, still unsure of the mans intentions. "Please darling, call me Louis, would you like to watch a movie with me" Louis asks happily, "I haven't been able to watch a movie with anyone in FORVER cuz my friends are busy and my family are on an extended vacation" Louis adds. "Um.. sure, sounds fun". Truth is it's been ages since Harry watched a movie, he managed to sneak into a cinema a few times but it never ended well.

Harry sat down, a safe but comforting distance from the older man. His legs tight together, head down in an almost submissive manner, and fingers fidgeting with the hem of his
T-shirt nervously. "Well we have IT, we have, Jurassic park 3, umm, cmon there's gotta be more" Louis says, he is bent over looking in the lower cabinet, arse in the air. Harry would be lying If he said he didn't look. Louis turns around suddenly, "haha like what you see mate" Louis chuckles, Harry's cheeks were set a blaze with embarrassing, a dramatic pink cast over them. "Um n-no, not that you l look bad! But I w-wasn't staring" Harry rushed nervously, "I'm kidding love, no need to get embarrassed, anyway, I can't find my movies so it's either the two I mentioned or toy-story, but childish though" Louis says calmly. "Oh um, you p-pick I guess" Harry says looking down, secretly wanting to watch toy story as it looked the most appealing. "Ok well IT I guess, haven't seen it and I wanted to for ages but not alone, so it's perfect" Louis beams.

The film was on. The snacks were out. Louis sat on one side of the couch and Harry, well Harry was curled on the other side. Terrified. All's he wanted was to get his pacifier, a blanket and just curl up and cuddle with Lou- wait, 'I can't think like that' he thought. It got to a particularly frightening bit and Harry damn nearly left his physical body. "Hey love you okay, I can change it if you want" Louis comforts, voice warm like tea and smooth like honey. "In fact.. it's probably about time we head to bed. There is a guest room neighbouring my room, you can sleep in there and if you need me for anything no matter how late just come in okay?" Louis stated firmly, "okay" Harry whispered.

It was 3:43am and Harry was scared, he needed cuddles. But Louis would think he's weird right, he did say go in for anything..

"Louis" "louisss" "wake up" Harry said "wha- what time is it Hazzy" Louis mumbled sleepily, "I need cuddles that room is scary" Harry poured adorably, "okay hop in love" Louis cooed. And with that Harry and Louis were cuddled up and asleep, many adventures starting at this very point


I'm not gunna lie and say I spell checked this Lolol. Hope you guys enjoy. 🖤🖤

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