Room 2525

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"Room 2525"

Niffty was finishing up cleaning the rooms on the 2nd floor of the Happy Hotel, she checked her list and marked off each room she had cleaned. She mostly moved from room to room in a energy fueled zip like motion which made her very fast. She was zipping back towards the elevator, when she stopped in her tracks and turned, she noticed an extra room that she had no idea about. Niffty went up to the door, on the front, it had the numbers 2525 on it. Niffty has never seen this door before.

"I don't remember cleaning this room ever", said Niffty, she scratched her head but then decided to clean it.

"Better get inside cause I bet you it's dirty!", as soon as Niffty opened the door she raced in. But then raced right back out, Niffty looked panicked, she peeked inside again, she closed the door. Niffty COULDNT believe what she saw. Niffty raced away and started gathering up everyone, she carried each of them at the same time and placed them at the door.

"What's the meaning of this Niffty?" Said Vaggie in a kind of angry tone.
"Yeah was I was fuckin cleaning my toys" said Angel.
"I'm sure there's an explanation for this isn't there Niffty?" Said Charlie.
Niffty looked still freaked out, Husk and Alastor got up.
"My dear Niffty what seems to be the trouble?" Asked Alastor brushing himself off.
"I SAW SOMETHING SCARY BEHIND THE DOOR I DIDNT KNOW THOS DOOR WAS IN THE HOTEL I KNOW ALL THE ROOMS ANS EVERYWHERE I CLEANED-" before Niffty could say another word, Husk had poked her on the forehead, Niffty stood in mid sentence.

"Alright that's going a bit too fast, think it's time to rewind", said Husk. Husk poked the left side of Niffty's head and she started talking fast backwards fast. Husk then let go, and poked her in the forehead again.


"Things from the future?" Said Charlie.
"DONT GO IN!" Said Niffty, "I saw it from the year 2525!
"The year 2525?" Said Vaggie.
"Is man still alive?" Asked Angel
"Can women survive?" Asked Vaggie. "We May find—I'm going in!"

"VAGGIE WAIT!" Before Charlie could stop her, Vaggie went into the room, but came back out 10 seconds later looking shocked and confused.

"Are you ok Vags?" Asked Husk
"What did I just see?!" Said Vaggie, I was in the future too!
"What was back there Vaggie? What did you see?" Asked Charlie.
"It was the year 3535" said Vaggie, "And what I saw were people, but everything they were thinking, doing and saying, was in a pill they took that day".

"So drugs exist in the future? Oh UwU this I gotta see".
Before anyone could stop him, Angel went inside.

"Hmmmmm, this is quite an odd sort of magic" said Alastor, "Husker my good fellow do you know anything about this type of magic?"
"First of all DONT Husker me you radio freak" said Husk, "and 2nd of all I ain't never seen this kind of bull shit magic".

Just then Angel came back and looked like he had seen a ghost.
"What did you see Angel?" Asked Vaggie.
"Well uhhh it was weird, it was the year 4545, and people weren't even using their teeth or their eyes. Heck they couldn't find anything to chew" said Angel.

"It seems this door advances every 1000 years into the future for mankind" said Alastor.

Charlie then decided to pluck up courage.
"As the owner of this hotel, I will go inside and see for myself" said Charlie.
"Be careful dear" said Vaggie

Charlie entered the room, Husk and Alastor were scratching their heads. Both had never seen a door like this.
"I'm drawing a blank as to what this door is about", said Husk. Did any guests use any kind of voodoo magic?"
"Hard to say my dear fellow" said Alastor, "but this is odd cause no demon can travel in time"

Just then Charlie emerged and slammed the door in fear, she breathed heavily.
"Charlie, are you ok?"
"Oh my God, Vaggie, everyone, this door just took me to the year 5555!
"5555? What did you see? Is the future bright?" Asked Alastor.
"Everyone's arms are hanging limp at their sides, and their legs had nothing to do, some machine is doing that for them!!" said Charlie.

"This is getting more and more bizarre" said Husk. "Every time one of yas walks into that door, you see a different year."
"Hmmmmm, time travel, a power I've never messed with before", said Alastor.
"And it doesn't awnser why a time traveling door is in our hotel", said Vaggie.

"Hmmmm, let me peek in!" Said Alastor, I wanna see for myself if the future will be full of smiles!"

"Alastor?" Said Niffty.
"Let him go in Sweetheart" said Husk.

Alastor entered the room, Angle had been watching this, he tried to peek in, but then was thrown back by a force from the door.

"Hey what the fuck?!" Said Angel as he got up.
"Remember Angle, 5ft rule!" Alastor said from the room.
"Ahhh I was trying to peek inside ya fuck" said Angle.

Then, as if unfazed Alastor came out of the room. "Hmmmmmm! Quite an marvelous future" said Alastor! "It was the year 6565, and you won't need a husband or a wife!"

"Why is everyone ASexual?" Asked Vaggie.
"A sexual? Oh I'm already sexual UwU" said Angel.

A punch from vaggie send Angel falling down the stairs.
"No I don't think so, but everyone was picking their sons and daughters from the bottom of a long glass tube" finished Alastor.

Then Husk had an idea.

"Wait here!" Husk said, and rushed down towards the hotel library, he returned with a book, the book was called "The World, written by Zager and Evens"

"What will this do Husk?" Asked Charlie.
"I might be a drunk kitty, but I think I know this type of sorcery!" Said Husk, "This door is a future door which, shows what the future of earth might have in store!"

Husk opened the book and flipped to a page after the year 6565.

"Alright so in the book it says, in the year 7510, God makes it back to earth" read Husk, "He looked around himself and said Guess it's time for the judgement day".

"Judgement day! Ah hahahahaha" said Alastor, "Ohhh this must be when the next stock market crash happens"

"No it ain't you radio freak!" Husk said.

"Also look at this" said Vaggie, who was reading ahead of Husk, "it says in the year 8510, God shook his mighty hand, but it doesn't say if he was pleased where has been or tore everything down to start again"

Husk double checked what Vaggie had read. "That's right nothing here says what happened next"

Angel Dust has finally returned from being pushed down the stairs by Vaggie.

"How fascinating, what amazing circumstances" said Alastor. "Ahhh and the year 9595, never heard of it"

"It's the last chapter of the book" said Husk, it stops here saying "In the year 9595, I'm kinda of wondering, if man is gonna be alive, he's taken everything this old world can give, and he ain't put back nothing".

Angel was puzzled, then Niffty noticed one last page, "Husk there's one last page"

Husk turned the page and sure enough was one last page that was not finished. Everyone looked at the context, but were baffled.

"Now it's been 10,000 years" read Niffty
"Man has cried a billion tears" read Charlie
"For what he never knew, now mans rain is through "read Charlie
"But through eternal night" read Niffty
"The twinkling starlight" read Husk
"So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday" everyone read. Suddenly there was a loud explosion, the lights flickered for a sec, down in the basement a beaker was jolted 1/64th of an inch out of place, which was met by a fish scientist groaning.

Back on the floor, everyone went to investigate what the bang was, they went
Back to room 2525 and saw the door was wide open, they looked in and saw the room, was just an ordinary room. Everyone was shocked by it all, did the book have some sort of power? That's a story for another time!


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