*Your POV*
Today marked me and Mina's 5 month anniversary and I couldn't be happier. I went and found this woman Cordelia Goode who is a witch and I asked her to make some purple roses for me which she gladly did. I ordered a giant purple plush bear for Mina and headed to school. I meet Mina at her locker and she immediately start attacking me with kisses. I start laughing and she says "what do you have there" I pull out the purple roses and purple bear and she covers her mouth with her hand, she looks at me and says "aww baby there so beautiful" I laugh and she brings me into a loving kiss. I break only to get air and I say "I'm gonna take us out to dinner tonight" she asks "oh what's the occasion" my hear this and get slightly crushed and she says "I'm joking" she chuckles and adds "I would never forget our 5 month" I laugh and she kisses me firmly and lovingly. She break and says "I'll meet you after school" I smile and say "alright bye sweet girl" she laughs and says "bye pumpkin" we laugh and I give her one more kiss before going to class with Luke. I can't stop smiling and Luke realizes, he asks "why are you so smiley" I smile and say "I think I'm gonna purpose to Mian soon" he looks at me wide eyed and says "PURPOSE? You guys have only been together for like 5 months" I say "I know and we're still in high school but I love her" he rolls his eyes and I just chuckle. The day flies by and I go home, thank god my parents are both at work, I get a tux ok (or a dress if your a dress wearer) i smooth out my outfit and smile to myself. I go to pick up Mina and I hear "I love her mom" and then "Mina your not gay" I listen to their conversation and Mina yells "YES MOM IM GAY AND IM IN LOVE WITH A GIRL FUCKING DEAL WITH IT" i hear crying but not from Mina it's from her mom. Fuck. I knock on the door and I hear Mina say "you better treat her well" I straighten myself out one more time and I see Mina open the door and my jaw drops as she walks out in a purple suit. I walk forward and say "woah you look so beautiful" she blushes and takes me into a passionate kiss, I smile and I hear "get off my daughter" I break and say "sorry ma'am I'm
y/n it's a pleasure" I extend my hand but she says "I'm not shaking a dykes hand" I get shocked by her words and Mina says "mom stop please" she says "no I'm already disgusted my daughter is like one of those people and now I have two under this roof" I get shocked and Mina looks at me with apologetic eyes. I say to her mom "you know what Ms Venable I really don't care what you think of me cause I'm in love with your daughter and let me tell you she's so in love with me" she looks at me disgusted and I see a smile grow on Mina's face, I say "now Ms Venable I'm gonna take your daughter out to a lovely dinner and we're probably gonna have sex tonight so if you could not kill the mood I would appreciate it" Mina starts laughing and I say goodbye to her mother as I give Mina a sloppy wet kiss, our tongue dance together and I hear her mom making grossed out noises, I take Mina's ass in my hands and give it a hard squeeze causing Mina to moan. Her mom screams "GET OUT" I laugh and take moans hand as we walk to the car. She says "I'm sorry" I laugh and say "I'm pretty sure your mom hates me now more than she did" she laughs and says "I don't care I love you and that's all that I matter" I laugh and say "yeah that's all that matters" she smiles at me and she says "so sex tonight" I laugh and say "of course" she asks "well why do we have to wait till we get home" I smile and say "V" she hums "yes" I smile and I feel her hand over my center. I looked at her and I say "Mina I'm driving" she smiles and says "does it matter" her hand slowly unbuttons my pants never breaking eye contact with me. She smiles and licks her lips as her eyes scan down to my soaking underwear, she smirks and says "I think you want to be satisfied y/n" I swallow hard and she slowly unzips my pants, she's teasing me and she loves every second of it. She can't stop smiling and places her hand down my pants, I subconsciously thrust my hips towards her hand, she smiles and says "come on let me please you" I moan as her finger rubs my clit. I moan and she says "god if you had a dick Id be giving you the best blow job ever right now" I look at her wide eyed and say with a shocked tone "oh my god V" she chuckles and says "well I can eat you out right now" I look at her and ask "Ven seriously" she smiles and I ask "won't that hurt your back" she says "it might but making you cum is my top priority" I look at her wide eyed and I say "V what if I get us into a car accident" she removes her hand and says "god your so boring" I smile and say "fine" she chuckles and I feel her fingers enter me, I throw my head back and say "oh god V" she smiles and I watch her slowly go down keeping eye contact with me and I feel her tongue enter me. I subconsciously buck my hips and grind them against her face, I feel her lips form into a smile. She starts gliding her tongue in and out of me twirling it slightly and my hand goes to her hair. I grip her hair extremely hard forcing her further into my thighs. I smile and start moaning as she sucks harder and I moan "I fucking LOVE YOU WILHEMINA OH GOD" I hear a muffled "cum on my face" I grip Wilheminas red hair harder and I cum. I release her hair as I cum and she maintains eye contact as she sits up and lick her lips clean. I pant and she pulls my pants back up buttoning and zipping them back up for me. She smirks and says seductively "how'd you like that" I see this new seductive look on her face I haven't seen before and I say "great" she laughs as those are the only words I can get out. She smirks and places her hand down my pants again cleaning up the mess we made and I moan as her fingers run along my dripping folds, she brings her fingers to her mouth and sucks them like a lollipop and shoots me a wink. I smirk and say "god I love you" she laughs and says "love you too sexy" we pull into the restaurant ad have a nice dinner. At dinner I give her a present. I smile and she says "god you spoil me rotten" I laugh and she opens it to find a purple letterman jacket with a big dark purple W on it and I say "i know you like mine so I though I would buy you one" she can't stop smiling and I add "I sprayed it with my perfume so it smells like me" she smile and says "oh baby I love it so much" she leaps into my arms and starts attacking my face with kisses. I smile and say "ok now I know you like mine so you can keep on wearing it plus I like the fact that it's shows your mine" she smiles and says "no it's so cute" I laugh and say "you like the purple" she smiles and says "I love the purple" she laughs and says "you know I have a surprise at home" I smile and say "well we better get home" I pay and then get into the car. We make small talk and pull into our new apartment. I open the door and say "alright babe I'm gonna use the bathroom but I'll come back to just chillax" she smiles and says "alright love you" she gives me a quick peck and I head to the bathroom. When I get back I hear 'Hello' playing by Lionel Richie. Our sex song. I chuckle to myself and say "Minaaaa" I hear laughing and see Mina in purple lingerie sitting on our bed. My jaw drops as I stare at my girlfriend in purple lingerie. She just smiles at me and slowly yet seductively walks towards me her cane lightly tapping it on the hardwood floor making me wet. She's so good at getting me turned on its almost shocking......almost. She trails her slender finger along my chest and says "I think your wearing to many clothes y/n" I swallow and I'm oddly nervous. I have no idea why but I am. She smiles to see she can still get me flustered and she slowly takes off my suit jacket slipping to past my shoulder. She takes my shirt over my head and places her cold hand on my waist making me gasp. She smiles and runs her whole hand from my throat down to the top of my chest, she stops at my breast and massages them lightly making me moan and I beg "Mina faster" she smiles and says "no I'm gonna take my time with you" I whimper and she chuckles. I have butterflies in my stomach as my girlfriend teases my body and she knows it. Her hands stop massaging my breast causing a loud whimper and annoyed sigh come out of my mouth. I go to grab her but she pins my arms against the wall and says "no touching" I look at her and say "no what that's unfair" i see the lust in her eyes and she says "I will never make you cum again" I swallow and say "f-fine" she leans in and whispers seductively in my ear "good girl" she glides her tongue along my earlobe and sucks it making a moan escape my lips. She still has me pinned against the door, she places her knee over my center and I gasp while my hips buck. She laughs at how eager I am and she says "now pants" I smirk and she moves her hands to my stomach. She runs her hands over my stomach and slowly unbuttons then unzips my pants pulling them down. I gladly step out of them and she says "get on the bed" I obey and I'm myself shocked at my submissiveness. She chuckles and says "I want you to take your bra off" I go around and unclasp my bra. She climbs on top of me and massages my breasts making me throw my head back into the mattress and she smirks at me. She takes one of my breasts into her mouth as she twirls her tongue around my nipple making it harden and then she does the same to the other. I moan loudly and she says "scream" just hearing her say that makes me smile. She moves from my breast down further and she says "how much do you want me" I moan as she takes her tongue and slides it from my bellybutton up until my lips leaving a trail of wetness up my body. I smile and she says "touch them" I chuckle and smile big at her as she gives me permission to touch her. I move my hand to her breast and massage them over the lingerie, she moans loudly and I feel her nipple harden through the lingerie which makes me smile wider. She says sternly "stop" I whine and say "no please" she stops all together touching me and grips my throat which turns me on. She squeezes it lightly and says "don't you dare forget who's in charge" I smile and say "sorry Ms Venable" she smirks and I honestly didn't mind calling her that cause I knew how much it turns her on. She grabs the strap on and I smile knowing she's gonna be rough with me. I love how rough she can get. She can honestly make me cum within seconds over and over and over again. I looks at it and she says "it's new this is your present" I smile and she adds "and the lingerie" I exhale and say "god Wilhemina I love you" she says "I love you too". She moves her mouth down teasingly and pulls off my underwear with her teeth. My hands go to grip her hair. Very big mistake on my part. She stops and my underwear stop at my mid thighs. I wine and she says "I told you no touching now you know what your punishment is right" I nod and she takes the ropes out of our night stand. I whine as her breast dangle teasingly in front of my face and she knows that I'm staring at them. She chuckles as she tightens the ropes locking me in place. I whine as she moves and her breasts are no longer in my face causing a big laugh from Mina. I chuckle and ask "oh is this amusing to you" she backs up and sits at the foot of the bed, she smirks and says "yes very amusing" I ask "and how is it amusing Mina" she says "well first off your hot body is naked and tied to a bed" I chuckle and she says climbing onto me again "plus I'm gonna make you scream and beg for me which I always find amusing" she bites my neck and I lift my head back so she has more room. She smirks against my neck and she grabs the strip on, she sits up and puts on the fake cock. I almost moan at the sight of her still in the lingerie, she chuckles and says "god I love you" I smile and say "god I love you too" I shift and beg "now please Wilhemina fuck me rough" she immediately gets into her rough mode and I feel her finger along my clit, I moan as she rub it extremely slowly. She chuckles as I squirm under her and she says "beg" I smile and beg her to go faster. She smiles and speeds up before harshly sliding the strap on into me making me pull on the ropes and scream "GOD V" she smiles and says "yes scream for me" she pumps the fake dick in and out of my dripping pussy and I scream "MINA PLEASE GO FASTER" she smiles and she pumps it faster making me uncontrollably moan. While pumping she takes off her lingerie knowing I'll be dying to touch her everywhere. She laughs and then she leans forward somehow putting the strap on deeper into me and i scream "OH YES" she smiles and leans forward pressing the palm of her hand on the bed board to support herself. She smirks and looks down knowing how else to support herself. I feel her hands on both of my breasts as she pumps harder in and out of me making me grip the ropes and I ask "I NEED PERMISSION PLEASE" she smirks and says "since you were such a good girl I guess I'll let you" I moan and she says griping my thrust "what do you say" I smile and say "THANK YOU MISTRESS" she smirks and releases my throat pumping somehow faster and deeper into me. I moan as I cum and scream "OH MY GOD" I release all my juices onto the silicone toy and I lay there panting very heavily. Mina take off the strap on and sticks it in her mouth. I look at her slightly wide eyed and I say "your amazing" she laughs and fucks me 6 more times. After our last time we're both panting heavily and she says "I love you so much" I laugh and ask "how did you get so good at that" she chuckles and says "I had a good teacher" she kisses my cheek and I say "I love you like a lot" she chuckles and says "happy anniversary" i smile and say "happy anniversary" we laugh and look at the time. I say "holy god" she laughs and she gets a call from her mom. I chuckle and say "if only your mom knew how hard you fuck me" she laughs and looks at the phone. Her eyes widen more then I've seen and she says "I think she does" I look at her confused and she shows me we left he a voicemail while we had sex. I gasp and we both start cracking up. She plays the voicemail and it's just her mom screaming at her. We chuckle again and she says "I think she hates me" I stroke her hair as she lays on my chest and I say "I don't think she hates you" she smiles and we fall asleep our naked body's intertwined with each other

My Savior- Wilhemina Venable
FanfictionYour a jock lesbian that attends Cascade High School and you have a crush on the loner Wilhemina Venable. You are friend with everyone in the school teachers, freshman, Emos, hipsters, guidance counselors basically every single human being in the sc...