-01- edited

383 18 6

third person povs*

"Y/n?" called your aunt as she get inside your bedroom to wake you up.

"Hm?" you response lazily under your comfy black blanket.

Your aunt sighing "Y/n... its late, i told you last night to wake earlier to met someone right?" your aunt asked while staring at your face covered with the thick duvet.

"But mom..." you called her mom because both of your parents already died years ago.

After knowing about the breaking heart news your aunt invited you to her house and take care of you as you were her daughter.

"So Y/n" the woman on her 40's repeated, but with a different tone, with your full name. You know well types of her tone and you knew this one.

You slightly open your eyes wide.

"Finally, now go took a shower and wore that dress... no include boys clothes!" you was about to ask that, yea you want to wear your fav black hoodies.

But she already knew about it

A gloomy sigh left your lips as you watch her leaving your bedroom.

"No... i don't want to wear that stupid costume (its not a costume hun, its a dress :) !" you protest and formed a pouted after.

You rolled down from your bed using the blanket, you lie down there doing nothing but staring at the ceiling, shaping your body like an x letter.

Taking a glanced at the pointed dress, you quickly regreted it, the colour is.. baby pink.

hell no im wearing that, if they were black or white its fine.. i mean wth it also have those damn flower pattern on it?

Your forehead creased, pressing lips together, feeling unsatisfied with your aunt taste on fashion. You already expected that this will happened since she is more to feminine type while you were more to boyish..

(i do want to add some normal photo's without those damn layouts but this fcked up orange app ain't letting me :))

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(i do want to add some normal photo's without those damn layouts but this fcked up orange app ain't letting me :))

You glanced at it again, seeing the end of the dress was on your lap, you scoffed.

If i can, i want to sew more fabric to that dumb dress and also if i can, i want to threw a whole can of black paint to it :/

You thoughts, feeling real mad while staring at it.

Your eyes wondered to the white clock on the black wall of your bedroom, it's already 10:12 am.

Butterfly starts growing in your tummy, you starting to worried because your aunt told you to get done before 10:30 but you are still here laying on the cold floor, literally dreamin and getting mad just because of a dress :)

childish but psycho || boystoryWhere stories live. Discover now