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Chapter Three: (Six Years Later) Grey

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I woke with a start, trying to stand up, but my seat-belt jerked me back against the tan leather seats. Sucking in a deep breath, I searched my surroundings and tried to remember where I was, if there was any sign of danger. If I needed to bolt.

The car swerved.

"Jesus!" Travis, my something of a friend yelped as he jerked the car out of the wrong side of the road. He straightened back up and turned the radio down. "You could've given me a heart attack! Are you kidding me?"

Two patches of blush burned my cheeks. I rubbed my eyes, feeling like someone stuffed my skull full of itchy cotton. The nausea moved in waves, an unstoppable rolling force that wanted to drown me. I grumbled between my fingers, "I'm sorry. I've been having weird dreams."

"What kind of weird do you mean? Like Batman growing tentacles and singing a ballad about Campbell's soup kind of weird? Or weird like you're exchanging spit with your brother?"

"I don't have a brother."

"Yeah, you'd need a mother for that. Gotcha!" He then made a motion like he was dunking on me.

"You're an ass." I sent him a withering look. He seemed amused enough for the both of us. A shiver forced my bones to rattle, so I picked my collar higher up my neck to my chin as I buried myself in my hoodie. The rain that pelted the car an hour ago has lessened, now feathering from the dark sky.

"I'm kidding," Travis nudged me, his green eyes meeting mine.

Travis Fletcher was a burly brunette with a splattering of freckles framing his face. He had thick hair cut short enough to keep his curls away. He was kind of a beast of a man with a barreled chest and thick hairy arms.

"That dream really freaked you out, huh?" He asked, actual concern lacing his tone. I checked the mirror, wondering what face I could possibly be making. My eyes were rimmed with the normal bags, but most emotion was missing from my face. People liked to say I had all my moving parts and working features with the exception of my expressions.

"I don't remember it," I only half-lied.

The dream evaporated from my mind, but just a feeling of dread lingered. The feeling of unbearable heat nipping my face. Just that.

I ran my hand through my hair, grabbing a handful of it. "I guess, I'm just a little stressed out."

"You're stressed? We're literally going on vacation!" Travis laughed and maybe someone else would feel foolish. Not me.

I argued, "That you picked out! I've never heard of Eventide in my life!"

"Come on, Grey it's a beach town."

"That requires a rain jacket."

Travis squinted, his brain working overtime to find a way to be right. It seemed exhausting for him. Finally, he shrugged and looked at me all coy and cute. "It was a really good deal on the hotel."

"That's not a good sign!"

"You just need to relax a little. Get a little frustration out," Travis advised, reaching for my earlobe. My greatest weakness. Just that could make my mind go all fuzzy. Goosebumps littered my skin and I brought myself back fast, slapping his hand away.

With a chuckle, Travis slid his hand over my thigh, sliding it between my legs. I jolted upright, grasping his wrist as his hand caressed the cotton fabric over my dick. The tease was enough to make my skin prickle in delight.

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