Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

Tomorrow I turn 16. 16 is a big deal in my home. I will finally be allowed to go to parties. I will be allowed to date, and drive, and everything else that's good in this world. My friends and I will be able to explore the town without the ever present glare of our mothers who follow us around everywhere we go. Not anymore. To say I am excited is an understatement.



15 year old Lacey Marshall sat down her favorite pink pen and closed the leather bound journal she had started writing in years ago.  She looked at the clock to see it was a quarter past 9 pm, and she began to contemplate the things she needed to do leading up to the next day. Her friends were coming over the next night to celebrate her birthday with her. Andrew Treen and Noelle Fangman had been her best friends since 5th grade when Lacey had gotten milk dumped on her head by Addison Aine, the most popular version of high school royalty that there was. Even small towns like Elliston had their cliches. For example, if you were blonde, you were automatically a cheerleader who pranced around with short skirts, extreme spirit, and botox injected smiles that would make the biggest celebrities jealous. Then, there was the typical meathead jocks who didn't do anything except their sport and girl of choice. Everything about this Middle-of-Nowhere town was right out of a Lifetime movie.

Lacey quickly showered and laid back down in her bed to think more about the upcoming day. Her best ideas always came this way. She stared at the blank space that was her ceiling and began to dream up the possible scenarios for her party. Maybe they would have lots of cake and watch movies. Maybe her friends would take her out to some fancy restaraunt. Any way it happened, Lacey knew that it would be spectacular and just what she needed to break away from her shy and quiet image. Her only friends were Andrew and Noelle. Sure, she had he accquaintances. But nobody was really that close. Boys were practically non-existent in her life. She hadn't even had her first kiss. Imagine that. A 16 year old in today's society that hasn't kissed anyone. That was certainly a sight.

In all these thoughts, Lacey found herself drifting. A new day was quickly approaching and she needed her beauty sleep, so she promptly pulled the covers over herself and rolled over. Still, her mind raced with thoughts from boys to friends to Italian desserts. She finally fell into a deep sleep some time later where her dreams consisted of everything but what was to happen.

Hello You! Thanks for taking the time to read this chapter. I know it is short, but please stick with me. I promise they will get longer and better. (: I just want to put a quick note out there: this book contains mature themes. There's no sex or anything, but the topics may be harder for some readers to handle. That is why this is rated PG-13. If you enjoyed this chapter, I would appreciate it so much if you could give it a vote! I love you all!

xoxo. Courtney

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