Meeting The Neko King.

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Once Lucif and Salem got to the bottom, the Neko King was there talking with the guards. He then noticed Salem, and Lucif becoming sad. The Neko King Miguel, and he was a Spirit God. "What is wrong my child? Same goes for you Lucif." Miguel had said to them seeming concerned. Lucif looked up at him, and then at Salem. "Father is it possible that I could die before lucif?" Salem asked him as his tears filled his eyes. Miguel was shocked that Salem forgot what his father is. "Well no actually as you're immortal like he is." He said to Salem chuckling softly. Salem and Lucif both looked at him, and then at each other. "Father how am I immortal again?" He said rubbing the back of his head honestly being forgetful.

Miguel sighed at this, and then looked at the both of them. "I'm the God of spirits Salem." He said to him slightly disappointed he forgot. "Oh yeah sorry father I've been forgetting a lot of things." Salem said rubbing the back of his head. He then turned to Lucif hugging him tightly. "Sorry I forgot Luci, I really didn't mean to." Salem said to him nuzzling into his chest. "It's alright Salem I really never knew you were immortal." Lucif said to him admitting it.

Miguel smiled at them as he got an idea. "How would you two feel about marrying each other?" He asked them giving them a look like he knows what is going on. Lucif blushes very dark at his comment. "Dad! Don't embarrass me like that! But it's true I would like to marry him." Salem said blushing dark red while looking at his father, and then up at Lucif.

"Then it's decided you two will be married in a few weeks." Miguel said to them chuckling slightly. Salem got so embarrassed that his hair lit on a pink fire. Lucif noticed this, and started petting him gently to calm him down. Salem then calmed down purring softly as Lucif pets him. "I have to return home for now. But when the day comes I'll be here." Lucif said to Miguel, and to Salem who was looking up at him. Salem was smiling brightly, and his tail was swaying from being petted. "Okay Luci I'll see you when the wedding comes." Salem said smiling happily up at him. Lucif kissed Salem's forehead before disappearing into thin air.

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