It starts

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~Ambers Pov~
I need a good cup of joe. Oh! I could go to Starbucks!

-in line-
Hi I want a Cinnamon Dolce.Grande. Thanks.
Mhmmm my most favoritist drink in the world. Pretty sure favoritist is not a word. Oops. My day is so great!
Hold the phone, is that Louis? Let's see, "Louis Tommo Tomlinson!!" He turned around. Oh god it is him. Must run!!!

-no more then 2 mins later-
Someone grabbed me. No it's a rapist! "Please don't rape me!!" "Chill Amber I'm not gunna rape you" it said. "No it knows my name!" I kept on struggling to get out of this things reach. That is until I turn around to be faced with a fairly recognizable person."Louis?" I say very quietly. "Amber?" I scoff.

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