remedy | 8

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"So, you guys are a thing, but yet-" Kayleigh, Ryan's wife, commented as we sat down outside, watching the kids play.

"We're just taking things slow. We don't want to rush into anything, at least not yet." I corrected Kayleigh. "I don't wanna screw this one up."

"I mean, it's better than nothing, right?" Ryan shrugged, watching Ryan's two boys, Dylan and Thomas run around the yard with Sturgill. "You two should come over here sometime, so I can get reacquainted with her and she can meet Kayleigh and the boys."

"That's a little too fast babe." Kayleigh chuckled, patting Ryan's shoulder. "Chase doesn't wanna scare her off, at least not yet." She jokes causing me to roll my eyes.

"She already knows the messy parts of my life." I said.

"You told Jade about Lauren?" Kayleigh questions absolutely shocked. "You don't tell anyone about her-"

"Well, I thought it was only fair. Jade is Mackenzie's teacher, it was bound to come out anyway." I shrugged, before taking a swig of water. "And it didn't help that Lauren showed up to the parent-teacher conference drunk."

"What the fuck?" Kayleigh whispered. "Really? She's hit a whole new level of irresponsible."

"How is the Lauren thing going anyway?" Ryan asked shifting in his seat. "Has she been served the papers yet?"

"She gets served custody papers tomorrow. Hopefully she won't argue and will just sign the damn papers. I don't wanna take this the court, that'd be too much for Mackenzie and it's just unnecessary." I sighed, checking my phone. "Well, I better get going. I got an errand to run before I pick up Kenzie."

"Doesn't Mack get out like now?" Kayleigh asked.

"Yea, but Jade is working after school with her to help her reading." I said pulling out my keys.

"Figures, just another excuse for you to talk to her more and for Jade spend an awful lot amount of time with Kenz." Ryan joked. "Future mother-daughter bonding, I see what your doing."

"Shut up, it's nothing like that." I rolled my eyes knocking Ryan's hat off his head. "You're going bald."

"Hell no I am not, I'll have these luscious locks forever." Ryan defends, snatching his hat off the ground. "Now get going before I shave off yours." Ryan points off in the distance. I laughed before turning towards my truck. "You remember Jade's favorite flowers right?" Ryan called put making me stop in my tracks.

"How the hell did you know-"

"I have a sixth sense for these kind of things Elliott."

"Whatever, and yes it's sunflowers!" I called out, swinging into my truck.


Last night's conversation with Chase were refreshing to say the least. I got a lot off my chest and for once I felt free. My feelings, my past, they were all out there in the open, somehow Chase stayed despite my complicated feelings. He stayed there and listened, not many people did that for me.

I've held on to the thought of Thomas and the accident for four years now, but that didn't mean today was any better. Today marked four years since the accident, the worst day of my life. Every other year this day was absolutely dreadful, but for some odd and unapparent reason I didn't think of it once today.

"Mackenzie, can you bring up your topic report, please?"

"Yes, Ms. Wright." Mackenzie responded searching though her desk. She pulls out two pices of paper and brings them up to me, with the brightest smile on her face.

"Alright, what do we have here?" I asked.

"I did my 'Hero Report' on my dad." Mackenzie said proudly.

"He's going to love this." I smiled, quickly reading though it. My heart melted reading the kind words Mackenzie said about Chase. I could see such a strong father-daughter relationship between them just by reading this report. "Very good Mackenzie, this is your best writing yet. You're dad will love this." I smiled, proudly giving her a side hug. I go over a few corrections before dismissing her back to her desk.

"Ms. Wright, is it time to go yet?" Molly asked.

"Yes, it's just about that time." I smiled, checking the time. "Alright, class finish up and start gathering your stuff together!" I announced. I give my last few announcements before my students leave for home. "Alright, I will see you guys tomorrow." I waved. Mackenzie quietly stays behind in her seat with her reading book close by, as I was going to start working with her on reading comprehension. "Ready Mackenzie?"

"Yes!" She enthusiastically clapped.

"I love the positive attitude." I smiled, pulling up a chair. We got right down to work, reading and having discussions about the book. "Yes! Very good Mackenzie-" I stopped as Mackenzie and I heard the door squeak open.

"Oh sorry, am I too early?" Chase peaked his head in.

"No, not at all, we were just about to wrap up." I motioned Chase in. "Alright, at home, I want you to draw a picture for me. Alex described his garden in the book, so I want you to draw me a picture of that, okay?"

"I love drawing." Mackenzie replies packing up her things. "Hi dad!" Mackenzie smiles running up to her dad.

"Hey sweetie, why don't you wait outside, I need to talk to your teacher real quick." Chase said, walking Mackenzie to the door. My heart skipped a beat or two hearing those words come from his mouth. Chase partly shuts the door, turning all his attention over to me. He brings his arm from behind his back unveiling a bouquet of my favorite flowers.

"You know, it'd be highly inappropriate for me to accept these Mr. Elliott." I teasingly joked walking up to him.

"Don't think of it as a romantic gesture, think of it as me, a parent, extending his appreciation out to his daughter's teacher." Chase smiles handing me the flowers. "While also secretly inviting you over for dinner tomorrow."

"You sure know how to charm a girl." I chuckled.

"So?" Chase nervously asked.

"I'm sure I can make some time for you, but I sure do have a busy schedule." I joked. Chase's tense body relaxes in pure relief. "I'd love to have dinner with you." I added causing Chase to smile ear to ear.

I still couldn't believe how quick and natural Chase and I relationship had grown, it was as if we were never apart...

Lover of Mine ~Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now