Girl meets double date

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Farkle and Lucus: Are you girls ready to go?
Riley: Almost!
Maya: Done!
A/N So Liley and Faya starts small because like. What? They just started dating!
At the beach..
Riley's P.O.V
So when we at the beach, me and Maya took out our shirt showing our bikini. And Lucus and Farkle just stared at us and Maya gave me a smirk.
Maya: Let's go have some fun!
Riley: Yeah!
And after I said that Lucus threw me into the ocean, luckily. This girl knew how to swim and dive.
And Lucus had an innocent smile on his face.
Lucus: Relax.
And he came into the pool and he gave me a kiss. I saw Maya and Farkle making out.
Lucus: They're serious about making out are they.
Riley: MAYA!!
I was like "LOL".
After we went to the beach...
We decided to go to the mall.
Riley and Maya: We'll go look at the girl's stuff and you guys.. Do what you guys do. And we'll meet back here in an hour.
And then Lucus and Farkle nods.
Lucus: Perfect. Now we can go get our "girlfriends" a present.
1 hour later...
Maya: They are 5 minutes late!
Riley: How impatient are you?
Lucus and Farkle: Sorry! We're late.. *pant*pant
Riley: Ooh. What you got there?
Lucus: Well.. Me and Farkle decided to buy you a present! Open it!
Riley and Maya: OK!
Outside's P.O.V
When Riley and Maya opened it.. They saw... Den Den DEN!!!
A/N WOAH! CLIFFHANGER!! But we can't really continue the story now. So stay tuned for the next chapter! Also, we are so so so sorry that we have not been updating. We are really busy with our writing career and one of us has to tutor english and school is coming. So yeah, so sorry! BYE! SORRY! AGAIN!

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