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The grey Boat lightly floated over the small waves, how long had they been on the sea for? 1 hours? 3 hours? No one knew. They had gotten out of the fog now but many onboard began to feel sea sick while the remainder had either drifted of or sat anxiously playing with their thumbs or looking around as if there was going to be anything other than the Dark, mysterious waters, one of those people being Min Yoongi, he sat looking at his thumbs while almost playing thumb wars with himself while occasionally looking up.

It was cold out at sea and the sky seemed to be filled with clouds unlike how it was on land. Blue sky and hot, meaning everyone was still in thin clothing which just made the journey so much worse that it already was. One passenger seemed Perplexing though, Kim Namjoon instead of Shivering, sleeping or looking around like the rest he occasionally attempted to talk to the driver who did nothing but continue staring forward with a strict face and a mouth shaped like a piece of wood but when he wasn't attempting to talk with the driver he was reading the random book he happened to bring as to not get bored waiting for the selection. It hadn't been confiscated but had been checked over thoroughly before entering the boat. When reading the book he didn't look like he gave a care in the world about anything going on around him and anyone else who was awake didn't care about it either apart from the second youngest selected, Jeon Jungkook he stared at Namjoon reading as if he'd never seen a book in his life, he seemed fascinated as if it was the most interesting thing he could see. I mean it technically was, the water becomes boring to look at after a while and it's not like your aloud to communicate.

Suddenly the boat begins to slow down. Everyone looks in the drivers direction a figure of a building on a small island begins to appear, people begin nudging others awake and some rub their eyes as if they're hallucinating. The boat gets closer and closer as the building gets clearer and clearer. The building towers high with Tinted glass windows and a small area of grass inside a Room of Clear glass. The look of it's of putting, the out door area just looks like a human green house and so would the building if the Glass hadn't been clear. The Grass covered area surrounded by the glass also happens to be the only piece of land remaining on the island as most of it is take up by what most assume is the main building.

The boat slowly floats up next to the land and parks. People begin to flood the grass area, looking through the glass at the selected and waving making them all look away embarrassed and uncomfortable apart from a few including Jung Hoseok who decide to wave back before being starred down by the driver as a sign to stop.

They all hop of until they're all lined up infront of the doors to the Large building, they enter through the doors which loudly lock behind them making the majority jump. For a second Namjoon looks up from his book, that's how he walked inside. He refused to look away from it and the only way it could be described was white. White walls, white flooring, white furniture, white lights, white tinted windows. It was jaw dropping to see so much of one colour, it almost made you go insane as your eyes ached unable to take in all the brightness. Everyone looked round for what to do next, no one had a clue they were stood in a white reception like room, at the desk of which no one sat so they waited until, 'ding' the white elevator doors opened and a figure dressed in full blue stepped out "I'm guessing your Set 5" she said, with a smirk at the end of her sentence. "Welcome to the butterfly experiment"

~686 words~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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