Life hacks #1.

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- Use bobby pins to get every last bit of toothpaste out
- Hate adds on games? Go on airplane mode
- Hate when bobby pins fall fall out? Spray them with hairspray before putting them in
- Clear nail polish will keep your buttons from falling off.
- Almost finished your jar of Nutella? Don't waste it? End it with ice cream :)
- Use a fork to dip Oreos into milk so you fingers don't get messy
- Low phone battery? Turn on airplane mode
- Have an itchy throat? Scratch your ear
- Pineapple juice is more effective than cough syrup and helps prevent colds and flu
- Rub a walnut onto damaged furniture to cover up dings
- Cut opened used toilet paper rolls and use them as cuffs to keep wrapping paper from un rolling
- Put glow sticks in a jar of water to make a night light
- Stain your shoes? Use nail polish remover
- Watching a scary movie burns up to 180 calories

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