Flirts, Book be gone, and kids

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Kitty: Welcome!!!!

Kitty: So to day we have three thing!!! First is for Impu. So Impu follow me to another room.

Now in the new room 

Impu: Ok what am I supposed to do

Kitty: This is from IronTooth43 they dared you to make Bryan a blushing mess

Impu: I can try

Kitty put Impu and Bryan in to a new room 

Bryan: What are we doing in here?

Impu: I have a few serious thing to ask and tell you

Bryan: What are they?

Impu: Aside from beginning sexy what do you do for a living?

Bryan: *blushing a little* 

Impu: Baby, if you were words on a page, you would be fine print

Bryan: * blushing a little more *

Impu: Do you have a map? Because I am lost in your eyes

Bryan: * Blushing a lot more *

Impu: Did the sun just come out or did you smile at me?

Bryan: * On the floor, face all most completely red *

— 10 minutes later — 

Kitty and Impu we're taking about how the flirting went when out of nowhere pansexualpisces showed up out of nowhere and took Impu's book of the dead then yeeted it out the window and disappeared 

Impu: My book!?

Kitty: it is ok Impu this was for the grater good 

— 5 minutes later —

Kitty was sitting in the living room on the couch with Kay, Solis, Ricarro, Xylo, Impu, Bryan, and Bri when Kitty got the dare from originsolympus . After it appeared in front of her, she smirked and said " With pleasure " 

As so as she said that she got up and stud in front of the couch then turned everyone but Ricarro and Solis in to kids.

Kitty: Ok they are your problem now * kitty then teleported away *

Let's just say when Kitty got back an hour later the house was destroyed and she was chased around by the now back to normal demigods that had there own weapons 

Ricarro and Solis we're asleep on the couch because of being tired out from to kid versions of there friends 

Thank you to     pansexualpisces        IronTooth43       and       originsolympus     

343 Words     July 10 2020

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