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this is a really good song and i cry every time i hear it. and this kind of goes with the chapter ok enjoy :)


I was just laying there thinking when my mom came by my side. She started talking and ranting on about stuff and i tried to listen. To be honest being there was like torture. I couldn't do anything, i couldn't talk, couldn't move and i was about to go into a survey thingy thing and it's all really annoying.

Some time past and the nurses gave us a heads up that it was almost time for my operation. I was beyond nervous but because of the state i was in i think i'll be fine.

I heard commotion a bit and my mom walked out the room. I was wondering where she was going then i saw the impossible...

Tom Holland walked in slowly and my eyes lit up. I didn't know what to do and just looked at him weirdly. He started taking to me softly and i loved every word of it. His accent and voice were so smooth and i've never heard him talk to me irl (in real life, for you noobs who don't know that).

The rest of the time we just sat there and it felt like communicating with our eyes if that makes any sense. It was amazing but it was cut short when nurses stormed in telling everyone the operation was starting and they rolled me out of the room. Out of the corner of my eyes i took one last glance at everyone before i was far enough where i can't see them anymore. I got a shot of anesthesia and felt all tingly again while i watched the room get darker and darker...

i awake in the same world as my last dream. Everything looked the same, even the people.

Tom holland turned around and saw me standing there. We walked up to each other and started talking. "hi..again" i started. "hey" We awkwardly stood there for a minute then spoke up.

"Why are we connected? why can we only communicate in this consciousness?..." I questioned. Obviously none of us had the answer. How could we? We didn't know what in the world was happening and how we got here.

"I just wanna say thanks for coming all this way i mean you didn't have to- really!" I said. "y/n it's fine. I came here for a reason and i'm glad i did. We now know and can figure out what's happening and how this can be real." He had a good point.

"Was this even possible?" is the first thought in my mind. I can't figure out what's connecting us if i don't even know that its possible. Tom piped up.

"So we know that we can only communicate, in our minds, while we are both asleep" he said. "So maybe we can remember if we had any dreams, when we were asleep at the same time, in the past that were i guess connected but we didn't know then.... until randomly now.." he trailed off.

"I mean i guess gotta start somewhere so i'll try to remanence." i said. I thought for a really long time but i couldn't think of anything that could've been some sort of sign that we weirdly connected. The only thing that i could think of that could remotely work would be that i never new my dad and he was never around when i was growing up. I found out he passed away about a year or so after my birth. It was only me and my mom living in the same house for all my life.

"I'm sorry love i can't think of anything off the top of my head." Tom apologized. "Oh no it's fine. You will probably think of something later on. But that's alright because i may have something that may hav some input on all of this" i squeaked out.

"I never had a father or any male figure growing up so it was only me and my mom since then." "i'm sorry" tom cut in. "oh you don't have to be." i said awkwardly. "Anyways I started having these dreams or i guess they were nightmares when i found out this stuff about my father so maybe that moment in my life maybe triggered something? I really don't know if it adds to this situation but maybe it can lead us to something else that is." I tried to make sense to what i was saying. Obviously it was hard.

"I think you're on to something but then again i have no idea. Well if you're ok with this, maybe we could look into your father and see if we can find anything that ties with this. I'll try and rethink up something that could help us". Tom said and started to think.

I did too but not about this. While tom was deep in thought i looked at him. I couldn't really take it all in that he was here and with me. It was only a few minutes i got to see him before i went into the operation. Sometimes i forgot that i was just shot and near to death, in the hospital. I could feel that time was running out which means one of us is almost waking up.

"Hey i think i got something" tom chimed in. Before i could hear what he had to say something was off. Tom felt it too and we looked around and realized. "we're waking up" we said in unison. "I don't have time to say what i thought of that could help us." "It's fine we'll have other times." A bright light started to shine all around us and we knew it was time. "I guess see you in the real world?" I asked. "Yes. I'll be there" Tom replied. I went in for a hug right when everything was gulped in light and disappeared.

I started to open my eyes and i saw a blank grey ceiling. When my eyes focused, i saw that i was back in my hospital room but with more wires and monitors all around me. I looked around the room and my mom was outside on the phone with a relative. I looked to my right and i saw Tom asleep in a chair next to my bed. I looked back up to the ceiling and tried to think but my mind was blank and i couldn't concentrate on thinking right now.

I heard movement and i turned to see Tom waking up.

AAAYYY!! hope you guys liked this. i figures out how they're connected and everything finally so stay turned to see what that isssss k bYe
                            ~J 💖
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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