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A/N: Early sorry, I do not find all men or any other gender than my own offensive or just plain rude just because they are doing this and that. I respect all genders, I only want to emphasize the hate of you here because of a past problem.

Your POV

I was dancing my heart out as the disco music and lights danced with my lonely body, swaying my hips from left to right, hair bouncing to the beat. Men where looking as always but I pay no attention, I hate men, they simply want you because you're pretty or what not. I despise them much more after my first and maybe last boyfriend Harris, we are both studying performing arts, soon to be graduating for our own acting careers as a couple but then a shitty girl from another strand strangled his waist and he enjoyed every bit of it. I mean why not? He's a wanker and a professional in it. I don't recommend him though, he takes his acting career as a bonus in pleasure, I was glad that I didn't let him be my first, I avoided two bullets, maybe thousands after the breakup, me myself did.

Why keep a liar, a perfect one at that when I could bit myself one by just breathing. You could say that I'm too much but it's the truth, I continued to dance as the men begin to surround me, most of them gazing at the other, knowing competition. "Hi there..." One starts off, a petite but well built blonde with black eyes. He bops his head and body to the beat, not too disco, not too wild for me. "You want a drink? I can buy you anything here." He draws near me as I look up him, my gaze looks through what he's wearing. A cocky one really... I hate him already, the one saving him is either his money or his face. "Yeah, enjoy your night love..." I trail off smiling to the man, using my acting skills to not seem fake. I trail my hand to his jaw then to his chin and walked off to sway my hips to the men I left in the dance floor, involving that cocky blonde. I got over to a blank table, sitting on it after getting myself a glass of red wine. "You are quite the bop there..." A voice trails off, a much more distinct english accent that I have. I look to my side, leaning on the arm side of my chair, I flock my eyes to the man, he looks cute.

"Hi, that's a compliment coming from you..." I wave him off as he laughs, I roll my eyes still finding him like the others. "I personally find you funny despite those serious moves." He points out as I stopped on drinking to look at him, shocked that he really is serious but at the same time stoic because he finds me funny rather than just saying 'wow gorgeous'. I think I found a good deal here. "I'm Y/N L/N, performing arts." I raise my hands for him to grab as he puts up his hands to shake as well. "Jason Davidson, electrical engineering." We shook hands as he began to laugh lightly to himself, a soft laugh that perfectly complemented his face and fitted body. He stood up while I was still following him with my astonished eyes. "Care to dance with me? You know, I have moves in me also..." He stood offering me his other hand while his other is scratching the back of his neck, a shy blush comes forth his cheeks. I stood up with my red heels, denim pants fits my bum to my knees fading to a much more loose end. I grew near him, taking his hand as we made our way to the dance floor, some of the previous men already eyeing me and Jason here. "Jason, you are indeed in electrical engineering..." I wonder off starting what I always do once the guy I want is in my hands and that is being the quirky me. He hums as I began to look up his eyes from looking at our still connected hands. His eyes shine in delight, forming like two moons as he smiles down sweetly at me.

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