flower shop.

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They say new doors are opened when an old one closes.

My new door opened sooner than expected. It all started on a warm cloudy day. She hit me like a ray of sunlight— I'm kidding— she just hit me. With a door actually, while I was on my way to my favorite café.

"Ow.." I muttered as I looked up at the sign that said 'Laboum Flowershop'.

"Oh, I'm sorry for hitting you" said the girl. "Let me help you with your stuff" we both bend down to pick up the things I dropped when she hit me with the door.

And as if hitting me with a door wasn't enough, we bumped our heads together trying to get my stuff. Her white handbag fell when she hit my head and the stuff contained in it splattered on the floor.

"Oops" she says while rubbing her forehead. And we both pick up everything on the floor.

"I'm really sorry" she says after picking up everything that fell.

"It's fine" I answered with a smile. And continued my walk towards the café.

The girl went back in the flower shop after, she must own the place. But she looked like my age, I wonder why I haven't seen her around here or in school before.


Coffee was exactly what my taste pallet was asking for. Although I know it wouldn't do me any good because I haven't exactly been sleeping well these past few nights. My chest would always feel so tight thinking about the person who broke my heart. I tried so hard to think of ways for me to move on, but it wasn't that easy.

My hand went into my the pocket of my jacket to get... the neckace.

Where is the necklace? I searched all over for it but I couldn't find it. I can't lose that necklace! It was the only thing I thought of that could possibly help me move on. But I lost it!

I retraced my steps, trying to think of where I could've left it or possibly dropped it. Then I remembered the flower shop. That's right, I must've dropped it there! So I ran back to the Laboum Flowershop. 

I opened the door that had given me a possible concussion and saw a girl spraying the flowers with water.

"Uhm, excuse me have you seen a girl here a while ago? She has short black hair and a white bag" I asked the other girl.

"Oh, you must be looking for the owner of the shop. She's out for a while. She'll be back maybe later this afternoon. Are you here to order flowers?" the girl answered.

"No, uhm.. will she be here tomorrow?" I asked

"Yes" she answered.

"Okay, thank you" And I left the store.


I went back the next day to the flower shop. The girl with short black hair was sitting on a mini wooden swing for two outside the shop. She was reading a book while eating a bar of rice crispy. I went to her and cleared my throat, she looked up her eyes widened seeing me standing in front of her.

"Oh hey stranger! Wanna join me?" she says patting the seat beside her. I sat down without a word. "Want some?" she offers me the thing she was nibbling at a while ago.

"No thanks" I answer. "But, have you seen a necklace with a-"

"Purple lilac pendant?" she finishes my question.

"Yes! So you have it right?" I asked.

"I'm wearing it"

"What?" I said looking at her neck. And there it was. I felt so annoyed. I haven't even given it to the person who deserves it, but here she is wearing it as if she owned it.

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