A Short Prologue

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The sound of laughter filled the air as two children ran through a grassy area. "Girls not so fast you'll trip!" A woman called out smiling as she followed them. "It's okay dear they're both tough girls" a man with (E/C) that shined with joy said with a chuckle. "Don't worry mama we'll be okay" the oldest child smiled turning to them "I'll always watch out for (Y/N)" she said and reached out grabbing her sister's hand. (Y/N) had turned to look over as well while running causing her to trip over her feet trying to stop. (Y/N)'s eyes widen slightly then smiled seeing how her fall was stopped "Ah thanks sis! You're my hero!" The little girl looks up at her. "Well I try.." she smiles at her.

'Yeah, those were the best days of spring. Dad taking us on walks through nature naming all the flowers..' a smile spread across her face as she gazed out the class window. She was lost in thought as she watched the wind blow through the trees.


"Miss (L/-.."

"Miss (L/N)!" The teacher's voice finally rang through (Y/N)'s ears. The girl jumped slightly and looks at the teacher "yes?". "Tch..the classroom isn't a place to daydream. If you expect to make it in this academy you need to pay attention otherwise you'll be burned with your head in the clouds. Honestly I expect better from you. What would your mother say?.." the teacher scolded not noticing the slight glare coming from the girl. (Y/N) huffed leaning her chin on her hand 'What would my mother think? Tch..'


(Y/N) sighs walking down the hall once class ended. She kept her eyes forward as she heads out of the building to sit outside. She heard a few people mutter as she passed them but she kept a relaxed look as she steps outside. She walks over to a tree with plenty of shade. It was where she usually relaxed to pass time. (Y/N) sat down leaning back against the tree. She shut her eyes relaxing till she heard a loud shout of her name. She huffed and sat up opening her eyes.

A boy with red eyes and black hair ran up to her. He smiled nervously at her "hey there you're (L/N) senpai. I've heard a lot about you and had to come meet you myself" he looks down at her. "Senpai? Ah you must be new here. Just call me (Y/N) please.." She looks at him . "Ah okay well my name is Shinra...." He bowed. (Y/N) watched him thinking to herself 'This guy doesn't seem so bad..'.. (Y/N) sighs "so you heard about me huh? What exactly did you hear if you don't mind me asking?". Shinra sat next to her "Well they mentioned you get good grades but sometimes you get on the teacher's bad side by daydreaming.." Shinra looks at her. She nods "go on.." She encouraged.

Shinra nods "okay well they also mentioned you had a big sister named..hm.." He hummed trying to remember the name that he was told. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow "hm?..". Shinra smiles "Ah I remember Higanbana!" He said confidently. Her eyes widen slightly. He chuckled "a bit of an odd name but I suppose it's unique in its own way..". (Y/N) huffed "that's not her name..damn them.." She muttered. Shinra tilted his head "huh?" He blinked confused. She shook her head "nothing.." She sighs. "Well they mentioned you were a third generation and your mom was a second generation fire soldier. Pretty cool if you ask me although I did hear some...well..rumors" his tone trailed off a bit quieter. (Y/N) looks at him "rumors?..". Shinra leaned forward looking at the grass beneath them. "Apparently your sister was also a third gen but went crazy with her powers causing your house to burn away along with your father..i..i didn't know what to think about this rumors and only heard them while passing by. I never talked to anyone saying it..." He didn't bother looking up at her as he spoke. (Y/N) gripped the grass under her. 'That's what they've said about her! H-How dare they!' She thought angrily. Her eyes stung with tears as her emotions started to get the best of her.

Shinra looks at her and smiles nervously "a-ah I didn't mean to upset you! I'm so sor-ah!" He yelled out in pain as a fist slammed down on his head. "So devil you came out here just to upset the fair maiden how devilish" a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes huffed. (Y/N) looks up at him and sniffed "I'm fine.." She rubbed her eyes. "No it's understandable to cry, such grim tales of a rouge dragon" the blonde said blankly. "Dragon?"Both asked the blonde confused. "Yes, after hearing about such intense flames I thought about a dragon" he replied "oh by the way my name is Arthur Boyle, knight king". "Well knight king my big sis isn't a dragon just..caught in a misunderstanding.." She said. "Yeah you dumb knight don't be rude" Shinra stood up punching his arm. "Tch..devil.." Arthur muttered "but are you sure? With how powerful they've described her I would have never guessed she wasn't..". (Y/N) smiled slightly "positive. But it's nice to meet you too Arthur, you can call me (Y/N)". "Well it's an honor to meet a beautiful maiden such as yourself and I hope this devil hadn't caused you trouble.."Arthur smiles. "Devil huh? I've never seen a devil with a smile like that" she looks at Shinra's nervous smile "it's kinda dorky actually but in an adorable way I suppose..". Shinra blushed lightly and chuckled her nervously smiling more at her. (Y/N) looks at them "You know out of all the people here, you two aren't so bad. Let's meet up again here tomorrow" she starts walking back inside.

After that day the three became friends always meeting up to talk during lunch. She even got to meet Ogun gaining another friend. That was till (Y/N) passed her final exams graduating to be an official fire soldier. She had to bid them a farewell making them promise to catch up as soon as they became official fire soldiers themselves.

// Hello and welcome to my Fire Force fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed this small first chapter. I promise this story will get better and more interesting as more chapters come out. So please stick around for more and I hope you have a wonderful day! Till next time //

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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