🦖part 7🦖

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You woke up at 4:00pm in the afternoon

Mattia was still sleeping
You tryed to get slowly get up and then mattia grabs your waist

Then you played back down then you kissed mattia on the cheek and he kissed you on the forehead

Mattia:wanna go somewhere

Y/n:yea sure where

Mattia:eat like in-n-out


Mattia:ok let's go

Y/n:can I wear one of your hoodies I'm cooled

Mattia:yea sure here

He hands you a gray hoodie

You put it on

And y'all left

10 minutes later you got to in-n-out

Y'all got out and yall ordered and and ate now it was 5:00 PM

Yall got in his car ...

Y/n:can you take me home

Mattia:yea sure

Then yall left about 12 minutes later yall got to your house

You looked in his eyes he looked in your eyes he came closer too you and yall kissed

Then about 2 minutes later yall let go and you got out

Y/n:bye Tia

Mattia:oh so we got nicknames now huh

Y/n:I guess so

Mattia:ok bye y/n/n (your/nick/name)

You walked in inside and locked the door and ran upstairs and called to group chat

Its me, vallyk and hailey and both of them and you told them about mattia and how today went you was smiling and blushing the tired time

Then you hing up you decided to take a shower already

You got in the shower and got out and changed into this...

 And went downstairs and got a apple and went back upstairs and watched tiktok and Netflix and drifted to sleep

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And went downstairs and got a apple and went back upstairs and watched tiktok and Netflix and drifted to sleep

A/n :hey guys this part is short because its 4:14 in the morning and I'm so so tired byeee

🦖I Think I'm In Love💖~mattiapolibio🥰Where stories live. Discover now