Konoha University

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Well time went by and sure enough I had passed high school and was now onto University... that's right I was eighteen soon to be nineteen; although I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't spend my summer with my fiancé Naruto, well the reason being because of me trying to raise my studies to get into the university and the same thing for Naruto. As time went by during the summer I started wearing my contacts more and before I knew it everyone was saying how much I looked like my mother, everyone being anyone who stepped foot in my house. As for my sister she lives with her boyfriend Suigetsu, but is also entering Konoha University. The university has dorms, so I had to pack up my things again from home and this time not only was Naruto going, but also my cousin Tye and he told me that cousin Sara was also going to go. Oh and if you’re wondering Kiba and Hinata kept our engagement a secret, if you’re wondering why people were cheering when we got back to school there was this rumour that I was in trouble and Naruto risked his life to save me, don't ask who, no one knows why it just happened. As for myself going into University I'm not sure what I want to do, so for now I'm just upgrading my studies.

I woke up and saw my boxes in my room and sighed. This was going to be even more difficult. I paused hearing a knocking at my patio. I opened and growled seeing Sasuke smiling at me. "Yo" he said, as I sighed "What do you want?" I asked, as he smirked with his hands in his pockets. "You must be relieved soon after this you get to marry the dobe" said Sasuke, as I narrowed my eyes. "Why are you so happy about that?" I asked, as he smirked and shrugged. "Can't I be happy for the girl I love" he said, as I growled again. "Can't you ever let me go?" I asked, as he closed his eyes turning his head. "Nope" he said, as I sighed. "Mizuki hurry downstairs Cousin Sara brought her truck for you to bring your things to the university" shouted my mother, as I sighed and grabbed a box, but then paused seeing Sasuke had gone. "How come when there is any physical labour your nowhere to be seen" I shouted, as I growled making my way downstairs seeing cousin Sara smiling. "Hey ready to go?" she asked, as I nodded. I then paused as Kyuubi barked and jumped on top of me causing me to fall to the ground. "Ah Kyuubi I get I'm going to miss you too, but I can't bring you to the university" I said, as he barked and licked my face. "He's gotten huge" said Sara, as I smiled petting his head. "I know" I said smiling. "Take good care of him for me" I said, as my father smiled. "We will now hurry up and put your things in the truck" said my father, as I nodded and Sara helped me. When everything was put into the truck, I then stopped and looked at Naruto's house. "You'll see him don't worry, now hurry up and let's go" said Sara, as I paused and looked at her. "What about Tye?" I asked, as she sighed. "He can do it himself, he has something’s to do before moving into the dorms" she said, as I nodded and we drove off. We reached the university and it looked ten times more amazing than the first time I saw it. I looked at the piece of paper that had my door number on it and I started walking and stopped at the dorm number 585. I opened it and I paused seeing a bunch more boxes. "Hello" I said, as I heard screeching. I looked and my eyes widened. "Temari" I said, as she smiled and hugged me. "This is going to be so awesome" said Temari, as I smiled and nodded. "Yeah" I said "Ah-hem" said a voice, as we turned our heads and I saw Sara. "Sorry to interrupt, but you might want to get your things Mizuki" said Sara, as I nodded. "I'll help" said Temari, as I nodded and we brought my boxes in and I paused looking at the two different rooms. "So which one did you want?" I asked, as she paused and looked at them and then smirked. "You mean you don't want that one?" she asked pointing to the room on the right. I looked again and shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me" I said, as she sighed and pushed me in the room and opened the curtains to the room and my eyes widened seeing Naruto unpacking. "Temari" I shouted, as she smirked and I quickly closed the curtains. "You suck" I said while blushing. "So what happened anyway, from what I heard Naruto saved your life or something" she said, as I narrowed my eyes and turned my head. "I'd rather not talk about it" I said, as she eyed me, but sighed. "Fine whatever, come on let's check out the rest of the university before unpacking" she said, as I nodded. She grabbed a key from the hallway and I grabbed the other and we walked together to the main part of the university, it was like a lounge area where students could come and go as they pleased. We also saw a game room filled with arcade games, pool, and poker tables, basically anything you could think of they had it. They also had a shopping centre, with a food court so you could eat there at lunch. They had a sports centre full of clubs and everything you could sign up for and a music centre for you to try-out at different clubs for solo careers or even joining a band. Basically again if you can think of it they had it. "Want some lunch?" asked Temari, as I smiled and nodded we walked to a Wacdonalds' and ordered food, once we had our food we sat down and started eating. "So how was your summer?" asked Temari, as I sighed. "Alright mostly grounded because of a certain situation" I said, as she looked at me eating a fry. "You mean you didn't spend it with blondie?" asked Temari, as I sighed and shook my head. "Wow that's shocking" said Temari, as I nodded sipping on my drink. "Well, well" said a voice, as I froze and I looked straight. 'Damn it' I thought, as a hand went on my shoulder, and I turned my head seeing... Itachi. "Long time no see" said Itachi, as I growled and glared at him. "I'm still pissed at you for what you did" I said, as he smirked closing his eyes. "And yet... your still talking to me" he said, as I growled. "Just go jump over a bridge and die" I said, as he smirked and went close to my ear. "But you enjoyed it" he whispered, as I growled. "I was drunk get over yourself" I said, as he smirked taking one of my fries and walking away. "Damn Idiot" I said, as Temari raised an eyebrow. "What was that about?" she asked, as I looked at her. "Believe me it was nothing" I said, as Temari looked at me not convinced.

"So how have you and Shikamaru been?" I asked, as Temari smirked and showed her hand and my eyes widened. "A promise ring? Seriously?" I said, as she smiled and nodded. "I so would have never seen Shikamaru doing such a thing" I said, as Temari smirked. "Yup" she said, as Temari smirked again. "You don't know about Gaara do you?" she said, as I looked at her and tilted my head to the side. "What did something happen between him and Matsuri?" I asked, as Temari shook her head. "Oh no nothing like that with them, their fine, I mean Gaara as in Gaara's career" said Temari, as I looked at her kind of confused. "What?" I asked, as Temari chuckled a bit and pointed her finger. I turned my head and I paused seeing him hanging around older looking adults. "What's going on?" I asked, as Temari smiled. "Gaara is a new student teacher at the university and teaches history here" said Temari, as my eyes widened. "EHH" I shouted, as she laughed. "Yeah I know they asked him last year after whizzing by university during the summer" she said, as I sweat dropped. 'Meaning he was already in university and going to high school at the same time' I thought. "So does that mean you know most of the teachers?" I asked, as Temari smirked. "Well the rough looking guy next to Gaara, that's the Dean... his name is A" said Temari, as I nodded. (A is the 4th Raikage)"The really old guy next to him teaches anything with academics, or furthering in it, his name is Oonoki, his nickname is old man Oonoki, even though he hates it" said Temari (3rd Tsuchikage) "Hey that's" I said, as she looked at me. "You know someone?" asked Temari, as I pointed at the woman with brown hair. "That's Terumi" I said, as Temari smiled. "Yeah she's awesome she's like a counselor for girls here and she helps out with every sport and music known here" said Temari, as I nodded, and then I froze and gloomed. "Something wrong?" asked Temari, as I pointed and then Temari smirked. "You mean you didn't know he worked here?" asked Temari, as I shook my head. "Well Minato-sensei isn't here for that long anyway, he's only here on Mondays teaching further studies" said Temari, as I gloomed more. "Let me guess you didn't know what you wanted to do so you just decided to further your studies?" asked Temari, as I nodded. "Oh you should also know that Pein and Konan are sensei’s' here too" said Temari, as I stopped and looked at her. "Seriously?" I said, as she nodded. "Yeah Pein is teaching for computer technology and Konan is here teaching business" said Temari, as I nodded. "So shall we go back?" asked Temari, as I took one more gulp out of my drink and nodded.

To Be Continued...

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