Chapter 1: Midoriya's Secret

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Welcome to the rewrite!

"I AM HERE!" Speaking

'I AM HERE' Thought


It was a peaceful Saturday morning everyone was enjoying themselves, they were chatting, eating and playing video games. Wellllllllll, until an angry Pomeranian was stomping and barking into the common room complaining as usual.

"OI EXTRAS DO YOU KNOW WHERE THAT SHITTY NERD IS?!" Bakugo asks... no screams.

"Bakugo! How many times do I have to say this, but refrain from using such foul language!" Iida stated as he was bonking Bakugo on the head with his robotic hand movements.

"JESUS CHRIST JUST FUCK OFF FOUR-EYES!!!" Bakugo said while grabbing his hand and throwing it aside aggressively.

"If it would make you shut up... Midoriya went to see his mother for the weekend..." Todoroki said calmly, but adding a bit of annoyance at the "shut up" part.


"Woah calm down Kacchan! You're not you when you're angry! Here have a Snickers." Kaminari said while giving it to Bakugo.

"I don't need no damn Snickers dunce face." Bakugo said while giving the candy bar back aggressively and gritting his teeth.

"Yo Bakubabe! Why are you in such a bad mood?" Kirishima said standing up and started patting Bakugo's back.

"Well... isn't he always angry?" Sero asked in between laughter.

"Shut up before I blow your face up TapeFace." Bakugo said glaring at Sero.

"Moving on... Why are you even looking for Midobro?" Kirishima asked trying to change the subject.

"Haven't you noticed? That damn nerd has been going out every weekend. We were suppose to spar every week so that we can improve ourselves. But he keeps ditching us." Bakugo said surprisingly calm.

"Now that you mention it, Midoriya has been disappearing lately... Kinda strange don't you think?" Yaoyorozu said while making some tea.

"Hmmmmmm... It really is strange... Do you think he's avoiding us on purpose?" Kaminari said while eating his cereal.

"No you idiot, didn't you hear from Todoroki? Maybe he's just homesick or something..." Jiro said while drinking her orange juice.

"Ouch! You know words hurt right?" Kaminari said while holding his chest looking at Jiro.

"Yeah I know, why do you think I say it to you? It's funny." Jiro said while looking at her phone almost finishing her orange juice.

"Oh you wanna go Jiro?!" Kaminari said all pumped up.

"I really don't wanna waste my time with you Chargebolt." Jiro said while walking towards the television.

Kaminari then just rests his head on the table.

"There, there Kaminari. It's okay..." Uraraka said while patting his back making sure she doesn't touch him with all of her fingers.

As everyone went back to doing their original plans for the morning, Bakugo started to head back to the dorms really quickly. He was trying not to get caught since he was going to Midoriya's room, but one of the girls spotted him.

"Hi Katuski! Where are you going?" Ashido said smiling brightly.

"None of your business... Now shoo." Bakugo said making it evident that he doesn't want to chat right now.

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