♦ Cashing In

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I was all about trying new things... But even I drew the line at torture.

I supposed on reflection I should have called in to the council about the basement torture chamber I'd discovered, reported it to the council anonymously and continued on with my life. That would have been the sensible thing to do. Being the person I was, I didn't do that though. Instead of letting someone else handle it, I'd taken matters into my own hands instead, sneaking into said torture-basement in the early morning, knocked out all the Human guards and set those poor women free.

In an ideal world, after giving myself a well deserved a pat on the back well done, that would have been the end of it. But since this was reality, one that had a habit of screwing me over when things were actually going well for once, that's not what had happened. I suppose I had one thing to be thankful for, which was that they'd at least given me a day of feeling good about my heroics before coming after me and dishing out Hell.

Which was why I was now crawling towards the gates of the Seoul Shifter Pack's headquarters.

I was pretty sure several of my ribs were broken, given by how difficult it was to breathe. One of my legs hurt like a Bitch too and I couldn't put weight on it — hence why I was now crawling. Ok, the crawling was down to my head injury, namely the fact that I was having difficulty stopping the world from spinning around me like I was on some fairground ride. Not that I'd ever actually been to a fairground, but well... Yeah. Dizzy. Even my thoughts were rambling. I stopped crawling to throw up and retched miserably until I'd purged the contents of my stomach.

With their impeccable hearing I knew they possessed, someone guarding the parameter had to have heard me puking. So what was taking them so long? Panic clawed through me as I wondered whether I'd die before being found. I'd made the split decision during my beat-down to use the remainder of my magic to bring me here, or at close to here I could, since their magical wards prevented me from Porting directly inside their head quarters. I could have healed myself, or Ported somewhere not as close by and then healed.

But no. I'd come here and now I didn't have enough magic to heal a paper-cut, let alone the extent of my injuries.

Not that healing magic was my forte. My Father had always warned me my impulsiveness would get me killed one day. Ironic, considering he'd tried to murder me to further his diabolical agenda. Dammit, I really was dying if I was thinking about that evil Bastard. Those Vamps had really done a number on me if I was actually reflecting on my past mistakes and shortcomings. Would I get a flashback of my life before I died? I hoped not. Living through my shitty past once was enough, I really didn't want to see all my mistakes thrown back in my face again. I drew in a ragged breathe and shouted hoarsely, the sound cutting off far too soon as a sharp, unbearable pain splintered through me. My lungs rattled and I felt bile raise up my throat in a burning wave.

The pain was worth it, however, as two figures suddenly appeared over me, their approach silent.

"Wait wait!" I yelped as one reached out and grabbed a fistful of my t-shirt and hurled me up. My feet dangled limply. "I'm here to see the Alpha!"

"And why should we take you to him, Warlock?" The person sneered.

"He knows me, okay?" I panted, my head feeling like it was splitting open. I couldn't get a look at whoever was holding me because everything was spinning. If there had been anything left in my stomach, I'd have thrown up again for sure. "Look... Tell him Byun Baekhyun is here to call in a favour."

The one holding me up released his hold on my shirt and I dropped to the concrete like a rag doll, landing in something wet. My vomit. Any other time I'd be pissed as heck to have my clothes ruined further like this, but right now it was difficult to concentrate on anything at all, even the two people speaking above me. My vision swam, the sun setting at an alarming rate. No, not the sun, it was like 9pm...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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