chapter 18

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kyro, happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang in unison to Kyro.

"Blow out the candle!" I cheered. Doing as told Kyro blew out the number two candle and clapped for joy. I was happy seeing my son happy and that's all that mattered. Today my boy was turning 2 and I decided to rent out Chuck E Cheese for him so he don't have to deal with other kids attitude and lines, it was all about Kyro and I made sure he realized that. Playing skeet ball with him I felt my phone vibrate and checking to see who it was, it was Zeka. That shocked me because Zeka never texted me first, hell she barely texted back since the hospital incident. I haven't even seen her or heard her voice in three months. Reading her text a big smile crossed my face. We were having twins! This was one of the best days ever, my son turned two today and I just found out Zeka was having twin girls nothing could bring me down right now. Feeling my phone vibrating I looked down and saw Shameka's name across my screen, I guess I spoke to soon.

"Hello?"  I answered with an attitude.

"Derrick I'm going into labor!" She screamed in the phone.


"Really Derrick, that's all you have to say is okay?"

"What you want me to say Shameka?"

"You ain't shit, wait until these test results come back that you are my baby's father I'm taking your ass to court for child support. I'm taking every last dime you got!" She yelled into the phone.

"Whatever, I got better things to do then to deal with you. So hit me up with the test results tomorrow. Bye." I said hanging up the phone.  Walking back to the table with Kyro in front of me I grabbed my jacket.

"Where you going?" Ashley asked.

"I gotta go handle some business out of state."

"Awe you gonna miss Kyro open his gifts." She pouted.

"I know what I got him already but record and take pictures of it all anyway. I'll call you when I get back to take him."

"Okay. Say bye to daddy!"

"Bye daddy!" Kyro said hugging my legs. Picking him up I  swung him around snd gave him a kiss on the cheek. Putting him back down I said my goodbyes to everyone and left.  I didn't want to leave my son but I had something important to take care of. Calling up my poilet I told him my trip plans and drove to my jet.

Getting out the cab to my destination I paid my tab and got out. Walking into the building and knocking on the door I received no answer. Knocking again and waiting the same results happened again no answer. Looking around I didn't know what to do, I felt so out of place but so comfortable at the same time. Hearing people walking up my direction I turned around to get out their way because it sounded as if they had a lot of bags but instead I locked eyes with a smiling Zeka and Shawn by her side.


After Zeka and I left the doctors she wanted to go to the mall so that's what we did. I loved hanging out with Zeka and making her smile ever since I first talked to her. I was more intrigued by her grace and the confidence she had in herself, just by looking at her you can tell she was a strong woman that had her shit together. That's why I started talking to her in the first place, I don't date dumb low life women I tend to go for the ones with poise and respect for themselves. My momma raised me and my brother right, if you can't take care of yourself well neither can I.  I'm not gonna lie I knew who Zeka was the whole time but the way people described her made her seem more bossy than a boss lady, yeah I seen pictures of her but when I saw her in person the picture where worthless. The talk and style she had made me want to talk to her more so I did, and I was quite impressed with the way she played along with me. Zeka has a great sense of humor and she keeps it real, what more can you ask for? When I found out about all the drama between Derrick and her I became livid, if it was up to me I would have shot him in the head twice then hid the body in the bottom of a lake. I just didn't understand how you can hurt someone like Zeka, I mean yeah she has a bad habit of popping off at the mouth but some good dick can handle that anytime. When I found out she was pregnant I think I was happier than her, because all I ever wanted was a family and 5 kids even if they weren't biologically mines I was going to treat them like they were. I expressed to Zeka what I wanted and that I wanted it with her and I think I'm starting to wear her down y'all. Before she would tell me to shut the hell up now all she says is we'll see, I think that's a big change don't y'all? Then when I found out about everything that happened her hospital weekend I wanted to kill everyone except Trenton, Mo'nae, and De'mani but Langston, Derrick, and Alex was all getting put six feet under. I was literally loading my guns while we were on the phone but she told me to calm down and it wasn't worth it so I listened to her for now. Even though Derrick was my boss and I was his left hand I still hated him nd the way he treated Zeka. I had so many opportunities to kill him but I thought about Zeka and decided not too. Derrick doesn't know I stay in contact with Zeka or even come to see her and I can give a rat's ass if he was to care or not. So if she's happy with me here then so am I, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have been here in the first place.

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