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Hello and welcome to TheHpHouse's Hogwarts!

We welcome you all and hope you enjoy your time here. Please note; tasks and groups will be with people from your house and only people who are members of this community can be students.

In these pages you will find friends, house mates, fun tasks and events.

This system works like this:

• Get 'sorted' into your house
• Get given a dorm, the dorm is a chapter OR a Google classroom. This is entirely up to you.
• Get given a common room. Once again you choose whether you want it as a Google classroom or chapter
• Participate in events to win the house cup and a prize... Of either reads on your story, a cover/aesthetic and a place in the hall of fame.
Feel free to suggest prizes
• The highest point winner gets a special mention
• Take part in quizzes
• Possible tri-wizard tournament

And hopefully much more!

The admins all have a part to play, scroll on to see those.

Oh! Look at that,  an owl just arrived with a letter for you! 

Dear princessmax02, dont_touch_myfood, Devonaltasss, darkarchangxl, Lefty_da_bear, ch_rose, ARockstarAndASpirit, Funtime_Chica_Selena, -tiredcreativity, SYMBOL_OF_GRAVITY, IWillMurderYouUwU, Saggie2005, Queen_of_life_Heba, astrophiledancer, amina_pottah, AsKiTrist and overduelibrarybook89,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Wattpads very own Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all events and more. Term begins whenever you can come. We await your owl (comment) reply by no later than Wednesday.
If you do not respond 'yes' or 'no' you will be tagged in letters until you do.

In your owl reply please state: Chapter or Google classroom, any friends you'd like to be with.

Yours sincerely,

Narcissa Abbot, Jean Bagnold, Charity Hooch, Amelia Peakes, Hugo Shacklebolt and Sybil Karakoff
The Hp house admins and founder.

*Please do not feel that you have to accept, the choice is yours

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