chapter 9

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I was ready for the event, waiting for the car to arrive at my door. I heard a horn, indicating  the car was here. I looked at myself once in the mirror, before leaving and locking my door. When I turned around to face the car, my eyes bulged out of my sockets. I saw a brand new Limo waiting outside my door. The driver stepped out from his seat and opened the door for me. I thanked him before sitting in and he quietly drove us to our destination. He opened the door once again for me as I stepped out. I looked in front to see paparazzi surrounding the front gate of the hall. Their eyes immediately turned towards me and I could notice the stares that fell on me. Without paying more attention to it, I decided to head in, trying to escape the countless cameras flashing in my direction.

"You are one pretty lady." I heard a camera man saying to me. I turned to face him.  "You could do an excellent job as a model." He handed me a card. "My  company is recently looking for ethereal beauties like you. Give it a call if you are interested." I took the card from his hand after giving it a stare and headed in without wasting another second. 

I was met with a grand hall, covered in golden lights. It was truly decorated beautifully. I was standing at the top of the stair case that lead everyone down to the main event. I heard the hall go quiet as everyone's eyes fell on me. I suddenly started to  feel self conscious but didn't let it show. Instead, I allowed myself to be cocooned in the new kind of confidence brewing in myself. With that I started descending the stairs, all the while trying to search for Mr.Knight. 

I could feel the men staring at me in what I concluded was lust. By the time I reached the bottom of the stairs, my eyes finally landed on Mr Knight, who's eyes were already trained on me and he looked kind of in a daze. I slowly made my way towards him until I was finally standing in front of him. 

"Good evening,"  I wished him with a small smile. His eyes took in my appearance with his lips slightly parted. Then suddenly he averted his eyes away from me before gulping and nodding to acknowledge  my presence. 

"I will be meeting a few business partners today. Remember to be on you best behavior." He told me sternly as if I was a child. I mentally scoffed at his statement. When am I not on my best behavior? "Stay with me all the time," he gave me a last look and moved to make his way towards some people, while I  was hot on his tail.  

He met a few business men and introduced me as well. Some of them praised me for my beauty while the others even took a chance to kiss my knuckles. These actions were not overlooked by Mr.Knight as I caught his gaze going hard whenever someone came close to me. 

" Ah Mr.Knight!" We both turned hearing someone calling him from behind. A man in his late 20s showed up. "I've been looking for you for sometime now," he cheered shaking Mr Knight's hand while he only gave him a bored look.

"And who might this gorgeous lady may be?" He gestured turning towards me.

 "This is my personal assistant, Grace Miller," he replied coldly.

"Ah what a beautiful name!" He exclaimed showing all his teeth. I lightly smiled back at him. "I'm Jayce Millington. Mr Knight and I have had a few business deals in the past." I forcefully smiled and nodded at his statement. Why was he wasting his time talking to me. If he was here to talk to Mr Knight then just get it done with already and leave me alone.

He only surprised me as my eyes widened at his next request. "Would you like to have this dance?" He asked holding out his hand for me to take. I turned back to look at Mr Knight, silently pleading for him to save me from this. But he was busy glaring daggers in Jayce's direction. And till the time his eyes met mine, it was too late as Jayce had already started dragging me to the dance floor.

A slow elegant music strated playing as he pulled me a little closer and kept his hands on my waist. I reluctantly placed mine on his shoulders as we started swaying to the beat lightly. All this while I was only wishing for this to end soon. The reason I didn't turn his offer down was because I didn't want to ruin Mr Knight's business relations with others. And if I would have upset Jayce, then maybe he would have refused to do business with Mr Knight in the future.

"What are you thinking about?" Jayce suddenly asked, breaking the stream of my thoughts.

"Nothing," I shook my head.

"How come I have never seen you in such parties before?" He asked curiously.

"I just recently joined Mr Knight's office so it's my first time accompanying him to an event." I responded shortly.

"I see. Well I can only hope to see you again then," his lips tugged at a corner.

Why the hell was is this song not ending? Someone please help me out of this. As if my prayers were answered, someone abruptly pulled me from Jayce's hold. I whipped my head to see the one and only, Ashton Knight.

"I have something to discuss with Miss Miller. Excuse us," he spat roughly at Jayce, who stood their staring at his face in bewilderment. Mr Knight didn't waste a second in dragging me off the dance floor. His hold on my arm was stiff as he took us to a little less crowded area and pushed me against the wall, caging me with his hands on either sides of my head. The action surely took me a little off guard.

"Why the hell did you not turn his offer down?" He glared at me as soon as we were out of sight, with his gaze piercing holes into my face.

"I.. I thought..." I stammered, not knowing how to explain.

"You thought what Miss Miller?" He gritted out, his expression still fierce.
"You thought you were helping me with dancing with my business partners?" He asked amusedly.

My mouth opened and closed as nothing came out. Why the hell am I always dumbfounded and never able to stand for myself when he is angry? Maybe because I don't want to increase the chances of losing this job. I looked down at the floor embarrassed with the recent events. But my head whipped up in his direction at the next comment.
"I never thought you would stoop so low just to get attention from the opposite gender." I looked at him flabbergasted. Is he out of his senses? His comment really hurt me. Did he really think fo me like that?

"I can assure you Mr Knight that was not the case. I was..." I started but he only cut me off.

"I don't want your explanation. Go home. My driver will drop you. It's late anyways." He stated irritatedly.

Late? Is he kidding me? The dinner wasn't even served and he is saying that it was late? Damn the most important reason I came here was so that I could finally have something nice to eat in dinner after weeks. But this obnoxious person just ruined my plans. He left me standing alone with my jaw dropped. Two minutes later I saw the same driver who had dropped me here, approach me.

"This way mam," he pointed at the exit. So that bastard already gave directions to his driver. And now there was no chance I could stay here. Guess a decent meal was never in my fate.


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