The Pub

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Chapter 1

Reba sat at the bar, the noise around her was deafening. What was she doing here on a Saturday night? She hated weekends at the bar. The sounds of live music playing in the corner of the room, people talking loudly trying to be heard by their friends over the music. Raucous laughter and or argumentative yelling by those who had already at 8 pm consumed more than their fair share of Alcohol. Reba once again questioned her sanity. She looked up at Bob the bartender who gave her a wink as he hurried to the other end of the counter to take another order. They had known each other for a few months now. She would come in on a Wednesday night have a counter meal, and nurse an espresso martini while talking with the older bartender. He would have been in his 50's and had become her only connection to the world since moving to London.

Maybe that's why she was here tonight, the loneliness of the apartment overwhelming. The characters in her head were silent causing her writer's block where normally they were scrambling to be heard on the page. So, she ventured out and instead of the calm quiet environment she was used to, she encountered the weekend crowd. Finishing the last drop of her martini she sat waiting to say goodnight to Bob. Reba was startled as she felt an arm sneak around her waist pulling her against a hard body. She stiffened looking up for bob needing help, he was distracted by the other people at the bar. She felt soft lips kissing her neck as a voice deep and gravely whispers in her ear "I can't believe you're here, Lucy" Lucy??

Reba could smell the alcohol emanating from the stranger's breath as he continued to hug her from behind. She wriggled trying to free herself from his grasp, but he was strong. Again, he spoke into her ear. "I'm sorry Lucy, please will you forgive me" Reba was trying to shift herself around so she could look at the stranger. Hoping he would see that she was not his Lucy. So far, she had been unsuccessful. When bob finally saw that she needed his assistance. The bar had quieted down a little and Bob came over. Reba mouthed help to Bob.

Bob didn't seem to Reba to be worried at all by her situation. He smiled a little and trying to speak to the stranger above the noise said, "Hi Henry, are you ok? What can I get you" Well thank you Bob Reba thought, what was he trying to do? Distract the man with a drink rather than telling him to let go of a stranger? Getting a little more than annoyed now at her personal space being invaded she twisted herself harder and managed to turn around in the stranger's arms. The only problem was that now instead of a hard body being at her back she had a hard body pressed between her legs.

The man who Bob called Henry pressed himself closer to her causing all sorts of feelings to take control. First was run, escape, getaway. The second was how nice it was to be held even if it was from a total stranger. He wasn't forceful or obnoxious it really did feel like it would if he was her boyfriend who had not seen her in ages. For a minute she forgot where she was and her situation as she looked up at the man who held her captive. He was tall especially as Reba was only 5 foot 3 she could have sworn that he was 6 ft at least. He had short sides with a mop of curls that seemed to be framing his forehead. Henry was what Reba would have written as one of her romantic images strong jawline with 5 o'clock shadow, soft enticing lips, and when he looked at her the kindest blue eyes. Mesmerized for the moment she kept staring as she noticed the most unusual small patch of brown in his right eye.

Bob was talking with Henry asking him how his day had been, but it seemed to Reba that Henry was not functioning one hundred percent. He was swaying a little and his eyes were not focusing properly. Reba tried to get his attention, "Hi Henry, is it? Can you look at me please" Henry looked down at her and smiled. "I've missed you Lucy" oh shit he still thinks I'm Lucy. He must be drunker than I thought. Trying another tact Reba asked "where are you friends tonight Henry?" hoping he would point them out so she could get free he answered "they ditched me for some girls, which is why I was so happy to see you were here. I've missed you so much" With that, he bent down and kissed her soundly on the lips.

The contact was strange to Reba who had not been with a guy since she was 17 and that had been a disaster. 10yrs later his lips on hers was making her senses spin out of control. Placing her hands on his chest she pushed him back. He looked at her and she had to hold her laughter as he began to pout. Dam he was cute when he did that. Henry's bottom lip was protruding as he pouted "I'm sorry Lucy, can you please forgive me?" Oh, bum we're back to Lucy again. Reba stood up and managed to give herself some distance from Henry. However, as she did the big man began to stumble as if the contact, he had with her had been keeping him upright.

Finally, Bob had been able to find some help behind the bar and had come around to help prop Henry up. Feeling slightly worried for the man Reba wondered how he was going to get home, annoyed that his friends had dumped him in his current state. Deciding she wanted to help Henry she asked Bob "Do you know where he lives?" bob shook his head. Hoping that maybe he would sober up a little in the outside air she looked around for her bag. She found it alongside a man bag that was tucked under her chair. Holding it up she asked Henry "Is this your bag?" The tall giant nodded in agreement and at his current look, Reba wanted to get him outside quick.

Between Bob and Reba, the walked Henry outside the pub, the cool air hitting Reba in the face. I hope this sobers him up a bit thought Reba. They walked him around a bit and Reba directed Bob to bring him to her car. She opened the door and moved her passenger seat as far back as possible and his legs would have a problem in her little blue Honda civic. Henry smiled as she told him to get in the car. Henry smiled and proclaimed aloud "She forgives me" blushing Reba hushed Henry. "Not so loud, now get in the car so I can take you home." Bob helped him in the car and then shut the door. Bob looked at Reba and asked, "Are you sure about this Reba?"

Reba was getting annoyed at Bob. First, he does not come to her aid. Then he waits till the man is in her car to ask if she's sure. Scrunching up her face she said to Bob "hopefully he knows his address and I'll drive him there. He seems to be nice and not a violent drunk. So, I'll get him somewhere safe." She saw a look in Bob's eye something akin to shame, then kindness. "You're a good woman Reba, and don't worry Henry's been coming to this pub for years. I've never seen him do anything inappropriate. Hopefully, he will have sobered up enough to tell you where he lives." Without another word he turned around and left her standing outside her little civic with a giant in the passenger seat.

Taking a deep breath Reba walked around to the driver's side and got in the car. Henry had his eyes closed. Seeing that his seat belt was not on she sighed reaching over she pulled the strap across his chest and clicked him in. Hoping he was sobering up a little she asked "Henry, can you remember where you live?" All she got back from the resting giant was a grunt. Man, what was she going to do now? She couldn't just sit in the carpark of the pub until he sobered. Making a bold decision she turned the key bringing her little car to life and started for home.   

A/N had a thought and wanted to play with the idea of taking a drunk guy home and who better to do that with them my muse Henry Cavill. will write another chapter tomorrow as its 2am and i have to go to bed.

Any thoughts what might happen? 

thanks for reading

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