part three

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When they sat down, Yoshiki noticed Satoshi's eyes were glazed over like he had been dead for a week. "Shinohara, what did you do to Satoshi?" he asked.

"Well, apparently he didn't take seven minutes in heaven very well," she responded honestly. "And you, Kishinuma, don't have any right to ask me what I did to someone. Five minutes, you were told. And eight is what you took. So," she said, getting her usual perverted grin on her face, "What took you two so long, hmmm? When I told Naomi to go get you, you said you needed a minute? What was it that you had to do? Get your clothes back on?" she inquired casually, as the entire group had their gazes fixed on Yoshiki and the maid beside him.

Thankfully, Naomi was on their side. She loudly cleared her throat and spun the bottle. "Let's continue, shall we?"

To his dismay, Yoshiki had the bottle pointing at him again. He sighed, and read his dare. "Spin the bottle and kiss. O-okay, sounds simple enough," he said, giving the bottle a quick spin.

Ayumi watched him closely as he read out the dare. Now that everyone was here, her chances of being picked were very low. She sighed inwardly and waited for her jealousy to pass. "M-Morishige?!" Ayumi half squealed, half cried. Of all people… Why him? Ayumi shut her eyes tight, not even wanting to witness it.

Yoshiki only stared at Sakutaro for a few moments. "Uuuugh," he groaned and quickly pressed his lips to Sakutaro's. They both gagged a little, but recovered quickly, so Yoshiki spun the bottle.

It pointed to Naomi, who was beginning to get amused by the game going on. She took a paper. "Are you happy with your cup size?" she read. "Ugh, no. I have to see a chiropractor every week due to these gigantic things," she said with contempt, staring down at the floor. "Your turn, Seiko," she said when the bottle pointed to her friend beside her.

"Yayyy~" Seiko grinned. "Have someone record you on video in your underwear, spinning your clothes over your head. Ha ha, sounds fun. Who wants to record?" she asked the group.

"I will!" Mayu said happily. This would be entertaining. And you never know when some blackmail can be useful. She pulled out her phone as Seiko undressed, and held her shirt in her hand.

"Ready?" Seiko asked, giggling in her mind as she noticed Ayumi covering Yoshiki's eyes. "Here I goooo!" Seiko screamed with delight as she pranced around the room, jumping over the other people sitting on the floor. After a minute or two, Mayu ended the recording, and Seiko kicked the bottle to spin it. "Okay, Satoshi, your turn!" she said.

Satoshi, however, still had the eyes of a dead fish and had been staring at the wall since he got back from his seven minutes in heaven with Seiko. Naomi prodded him, and got no response. A little startled, she checked his pulse, and sighed with relief. "I think he's still a little… unnerved. Should we just skip him?" Naomi asked Seiko.

Seiko looked a little disappointed, and sat down without putting her clothes back on. "Yeah, alright…" she said sadly, spinning the bottle for him.

It came back to Ayumi, who was excited to see what she would get. She wouldn't normally, but she was in a pretty good mood. "Make out with a person of your choice. Wow, I'm sure having good luck," she said, latching almost immediately onto Yoshiki.

"Awwwwww," Mayu smiled at them, glad they had finally realized how perfect they were together. She spun the bottle, since Ayumi was obviously occupied. "Here, Nakashima," Mayu smiled as she handed Naomi the hat.

"Okay," she pulled a dare out, and read it to the group. "Show the group your cleavage. Well shit." She said, adjusting her shirt and pulling it down nearly as far as she could. Sakutaro simply looked away, and Satoshi still did nothing. "Your turn, Morishige," she smiled awkwardly as she fixed her uniform.

"Alright. Aggressively make out with someone for 5 minutes. You can choose whether or not to go into another room. Hey, didn't the class rep do this a little while ago? I wonder why it was in there twice…" He wondered aloud as Seiko frowned and looked away, very subtle. "Oh well, here goes…" he spun the bottle, and it slid to a stop at the wide-eyed Mayu.

"Oh. O-okay, let's go…" she said quietly as she went to go to another room and Sakutaro followed her.

Seiko, still in her underwear for no explainable reason smiled as she noticed she was helping everyone realize their true feelings. Now all that was left was Naomi and Satoshi. "Naomi? Truth or Dare?" she asked. They could go back to the bottle later, but this had to be done before she would be happy.

"Eh…" Naomi thought, not bothering to question why she was being asked, "How about… Dare."

"Go boob-hug Satoshi's face until he snaps out of his trauma. Go ahead and suffocate him a little if it works." Seiko commanded. Then the real fun could begin…

Naomi blushed. "Okay…" She looked at Satoshi for a moment, and he was still staring at the wall. She grabbed his head by his ears, and pressed his face so hard into her cleavage that she was afraid she injured his nose. She waited a few moments, and Satoshi pulled away, panting.

"Aahhhh…" he gasped for air, light returning to his eyes. "Don't… Don't do that…"

Seiko and Naomi smiled at each other, glad it worked. "Now that you're back with us, Satoshi, why don't you spin?" Naomi asked.

"Eh… Okay." He said. Before he reached over to spin the bottle, he noticed Yoshiki and Ayumi making out in the corner of the room. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things, then shrugged and span the bottle. "Ehhh, Yoshiki?" Satoshi called. "Your turn."

Yoshiki pulled away from Ayumi. "Oh, yeah, that." He said like he had forgotten, and took a dare to read. "Take off your shirt and anything underneath it for the rest of the game. Oh, that's not too bad..." he said as he unbuttoned his shirt, pulled it off, and took off his red undershirt as well. He tried not to notice Ayumi beside him, blushing like mad. He spun the bottle and took his place next to Ayumi again.

Mayu and Sakutaro walked in from the next room, happy looks on their faces. They quietly sat down. "What did we miss?" Mayu asked the group.

"Mostly just Satoshi's recovery," Seiko responded, too quietly for Satoshi to hear.

"Oh, my turn," Satoshi said, unexcitedly. "Squeeze someone's private area. Oh, no." he sighed, and spun the bottle. He held back a smile when it pointed to Naomi. Much better her than anyone else. Blushing, he put his hands on Naomi's chest, and gently squeezed. He shut his eyes tightly, and large amounts of blood squirted out of his nose. Naomi's eyes widened as she got him some tissues.

Seiko giggled. Everything was going according to plan. She smiled and spun the bottle. "Your turn, Suzume!"

"Oh. Wear a beer case on your head. Any chance you'd have something like that, Seiko?" she asked uncertainly.

"Glad you asked!" Seiko grinned. "I always am prepared for things like this!" She ran off into the kitchen. In a few minutes, she was back with a case of beer. She took the beer out, and handed the case to Mayu.

"Thanks…" Mayu said, fitting the box on her head. "And I really hope you aren't planning on making us use that beer…"

"Of course I do. Let's try to incorporate this into our truth or dare game, okay?" she said sweetly as she passed everyone a bottle. "Anyway, spin, Suzume."

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