Chapter 1

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        I was walking through the streets of L.A. wondering why he could do this. I was out with my friend Trent, and of course, he had to get drunk. That boy had no consideration for himself, and this time he went too far.

        Can they control it when they're drunk? Did he know what he was doing? I didn't know what to think, but I knew I had to get out of there. I felt that if I would have stayed too much longer, my life would have ended tonight, and something in me thought that being an attractive lady walking alone in the darkness of a busy downtown was a smarter idea.

        I never claimed to be the brightest person when I was put under pressure, and enveloped with fear. Nothing worse can happen, right?

        Soon, I heard footsteps come from behind me, and they seemed to be in perfect sync with my speed. I took a quick glance back to see that they weren't very far away. I decided that I should probably walk faster. Should I call someone? I can't call Trent! He's the reason I'm here! My mother couldn't get here in time... Oh what to do, what to do?

        "Hey baby!" one of them called out from behind me. I felt my body run cold, and I wanted to sprint into the closest building and hide. "Where ya goin' sweet thang!" Just go away!

        "Just think of all the things we can do to her." My face grew hot, and I cut down the closest street corner, hoping that I could escape these monsters.

        "HEY! Get back here!" I heard rushed footsteps in the distance, and I knew they were coming for me. I took off running, hoping that I could escape them. Because it was so late, a lot of the buildings were locked up for the night, and I felt as if I was going to get killed.

        "CATCH HER!" a man yelled, and I sprinted as fast as I could, but sadly, I wasn't a good runner, and I was quickly losing my breath.

        Knowing my lack of athleticy, it didn't surprise me that they caught up to me, but I still hoped deeply that I could've gotten away! Why did I think that I had a chance! This wasn't fair, it wasn't right!

        One of them caught my shoulder, pushing me to the ground. I tasted blood that bubbled up on my lip, and tears began to fall down my face. I tried to bring myself back upright, but instead I was yanked up and pressed against a wall.

        "Now, didn't anyone teach you about manners? It's not nice to run away, young lady!"

        Fear began to take over me as I began to tremble. One of the three guys began to laugh at my discomfort. "Oh, that's hot! You seein' that?"

        "Oh yeah! How about we take you home with us and show you just how hot you are!" The man that held me against the wall, pressed himself up against me, and I felt his member against me. I closed my eyes, knowing I had to do something, or was going to lose my life.

        Screaming? Screaming was a wise decision, right? I sucked in a breath, and let out a horrid shriek! Immediately after, I felt his hands cup against my throat, the air being sucked away from me all at once.

        "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

        I pulled my hands up to my neck, hoping to claw his hands off of me, but he was just too strong. I felt myself begin to pass out as time started to slip away from me. What to do, what to do?

        "Do you guys have any tape on you? She's a struggler!"

        I just pulled my eyes shut once more, launching my leg into his ball-sack! He let go of me, throwing me to the ground. My ankle twisted itself on the fall, but I didn't let the pain slow me down as I took off once more.

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