Chapter 3

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@kamdolxn and I are collaborating on this series which we each write parts of the series from our main characters POV. Hers will feature Grayson and mine will feature Ethan.
To fully understand the storyline it's best to start with @kamdolxn. And then alternate each part.
Hers is called Daphne Blue and it's on my reading list for easy access.


My brain was trying to comprehend the fact that we were inside the twins house. I didn't know much of them but I was pretty sure any girl would die to be in our place. Which only made the guys more intimidating. It was hard to even speak to them, specially Ethan, without stumbling over my words.
Grayson made dinner for us, vegan pasta.
"Just my luck I'm surrounded by vegans" I said out loud, but in a very playful manner, That only earned me stares from everyone and the finger from Korie.
After dinner which was amazing despite my hesitation we moved the "party" to Graysons room to watch a movie because he already had the projector set up in there.
Although His bed was big enough for the four of us, it was still weird to share a bed with some guys we had barely met.
Korie didn't seem to mind it much, she sat right in the middle next to Grayson,
While I sat at the very end.
Ethan had left the room to get some popcorn and when he came back in he sat right next to me, making my heart beat faster and faster the closer he got.
"Do you want some?" He handed me a bowl full of popcorn
"No thank you" I said grabbing the bowl and handing it over to Korie "I'm still full from dinner"
Korie took it but handed it to Grayson, whose attention was on his phone.
"Okay, so what movie are we going to watch?" He said not looking up form the screen
"I really don't care" Korie shrugged putting a handful of popcorn in her mouth contradicting her earlier statement. I looked at her and shook my head
"Just pick a movie" Ethan said "if you let Grayson pick he'll probably pick something with a baby in it and I can't take that right now"
I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips when he said that.  "Please don't give Korie any ideas because then she'll want to watch something like that too"  I said with a low laugh avoiding eye contact with  her.
"So are you gonna pick?" Grayson said rolling his eyes Annoyed "it doesn't matter what movie"
"JAWS!" Korie and I screamed at the same time then burst out laughing
"Jinx!" We said together and laughed even more before noticing the twins starting at us like we were idiots.
"Jaws?" Grayson asked incredulously "really? All the movies in the world and you two want to watch jaws?"
"And what of it?" Korie snapped back "it's our favorite movie"
"Why would jaws be anyone's favorite movie?" Grayson shook his head annoyed
"Who cares!" Ethan said to Grayson "as long as it doesn't have crying babies I'm okay with it"
"Okay" Grayson sighed and put the movie on hesitantly.
Everything was going fine until the first shark Scene.
"This is so fake" Grayson laughed sarcastically
"I mean, it is fake" Korie responded "all movies are fake"
"Obviously they're fake, but look" he played back the scene "look at the shark, it looks so fake. They didn't even try with the special effects"
"You know you're really starting to get on my nerves" Korie said making Ethan instantly laugh
"You and I both" he said with a low mumble
"All I'm saying is that they could have done a better job with the editing"
"It's literally a movie from the 70's give them a break"
I just watched the both of them bicker like they were married which made me laugh, it was like the both of them were the same person. I was really enjoying myself watching them argue about every little detail of the movie when I heard a whisper in my ear.
"Do you want to laugh?"
I looked to the side to see Ethan staring at me
"Yeah, sure" I nodded
He got his phone out and typed away. Two minutes later there was a crying baby on the projector screen. Which got Graysons and Kories attention.
"What the fuck is that Ethan!?" Grayson yelled looking at Ethan
"Why? are you titties lactating?" Ethan laughed mocking Grayson
"Just take that shit off!" Grayson shouted His face had turned bright red. His arms trying to reach for Ethan to slap him.
"That's not even funny" Korie said
"It is funny" I contradicted "since you two can't stop acting like babies"
Ethan and I started laughing even more which only made them more annoyed.
"Fine, fine, I'll put the movie back on, but I swear if I hear another word from the two of you the baby is coming back" Ethan warmed.
But the warning fell on deaf ears because as soon as another shark scene came on Grayson opened his mouth.
"See, look at that" he said pointing at the Screen
Here we go again I thought, I got up from the bed and decided to just leave the room, I couldn't take much more of their little arguments, which was really them flirting.
I went into the kitchen and decided to just wash he dirty dishes that sat in the sink.
"What are you doing?" I heard a voice behind me
I looked back to see Ethan standing next to the counter
"Just cleaning up a bit, it's the least I can do, you guys are being so nice and letting us stay, and here we are making a mess"
Ethan walked towards me
"It's okay, don't worry Grayson will wake up early tomorrow and clean everything up" he said it jokingly but I could tell he actually meant it
"Really, I insist" I said picking up another plate and rinsing it.
"Fine, I'll help" he offered grabbing the rest of the plates from the counter
"Are you sure? I really don't mind doing this alone"
"Trust me, I rather be washing dishes than being in that room with those two. The sexual tension is strong and I feel like I'm intruding"
"I'm glad that I'm not the only one that noticed" I laughed Nervously.
Why did he make me so nervous? As he got closer to me I felt my stomach turn. I tried to find the right worlds to say, or to even make small talk but I couldn't. Every time I would start to say something I would get tongue tied and just stop.
It was so frustrating
"So tell me about yourself" Ethan asked Catching me off guard
"Uhh— about me? Well— umm mhmm let me think" I said suddenly forgetting every single detail about my life, I felt my cheeks grow hot as he waited for me to say something
"What would you like to know?" I blushed
I swear I couldn't have a normal conversation without sounding so dumb
"I don't know anything, how did you and Korie meet? Isn't she from Alabama?"
"Yeah she is, and we met online" I said matter of factly "I commented on a post someone made and she liked my comment and well you know the rest..."
"Really?" He asked amused
"Yeah" I confessed" I like to think that in our past life we were best friends and we were meant to find each other again now, In this life."
He nodded but it took a moment for him
To answered "That's actually beautiful" he said, And I could tell that he meant it.
"Yeah" I nodded looking around the kitchen "so I think we're done"
"What?" He asked confused
"Everything is clean"
"Oh yeah, it is. I guess we should go back" he said sounding like he didn't want to
"Yeah, I think we should. We can't leave those two alone for a long time"
"Yeah you're right, we leave them for too long and then they'll make a baby" he teased
"You're definitely right" I agreed walking back to the room.
We opened the door and I couldn't believe what I was seeing
"I think we're too late" I saidTaking the whole scene in.
"Oh wow" Ethan said behind me "we literally left for 20 minutes"
Korie and Grayson were dead asleep, not only next to each other but Kories head rested on Graysons chest while Graysons arm wrapped around her body holding her close to him.
"How did this happen?" I whispered they were literally arguing before I left "how did they go from arguing to cuddling?"
"I think it's a baby fever thing" Ethan whispered back. He walked towards Graysons side and lightly put a blanket over both of them.
"I think we should just let them sleep like that, they look so comfortable"
"Yeah, And Korie was really tired" I added.
We turned the projector off and left the room closing the door behind us.

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