《Chapter 1》

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I wake up and sigh in front of the window as usual looking at how mums and das are hugging their children.I wish I could get that love. "Oh how I wish you were here mum and Jeremy. How I wish I could see you again." I mumble to myself. But Soon all the peace is ruined by Lila,the lady who my dad loves more than anyone,probably even more than me. I can hear the sounds of her high heels coming from down the hall. She enters my room and starts screaming." Come on Jenny, Clen the house like I told you to,you fat bum! Your father and I are going to out for a meal at that fancy restaurant so make yourself useful and start cleaning!" She then stomped out of my room and slammed the door. I sighed and started cleaning. I have to Clean every speck of dust otherwise She will hit me again like last time. That mark still never come out. I scrubbed and cleaned and finally I was done. My hands were aching. I looked at the time and it was eleven 'o clock. I started worrying because Lila and dad were not back yet. I watched a horror movie since it was the only thing I could watch. I got scared and started shivering. How I wish Mum and Jeremy were here. I still remember Jeremy holding me and comforting me. He cared for me like a best friend. And I remember how much dad and Mum were fighting. I still remember the hurt look on her face and how she left. I still remember how dad took me away whilst mum took Jeremy away. I never wanted to go because I loved my family and I loved Jeremy and seeing him being pulled away from me was the saddest moment of my life. I was just too attached to him and now he's gone. Thinking about it brought tears to my eyes. I felt each tear go down my cheek and fall on the floor. It was already twelve 'o clock and they still weren't back. I started panicking and cried thinking whether my dad met in a car accident or got killed. Thinking about it brought shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes and hugged Mr Snuggles which was a teddy bear That Jeremy bought for me before he left. I hugged it tight and fell asleep.

I wake up by the bright rays of the sun that shone brightly over my face. I got up and quickly got changed. I then made myself a hot cup of coffee. Immediately I heard dad and Lila talking outside. I looked out the window to see them coming into the flat. They come inside holding hands and smiling.  "Dad! Where were you? " I asked but he didn't say anything so I asked again" Dad! I was worried!  Where were you?" I asked but he never answered and simply walked away which made Lila smirk. She did something didn't she? Does she have him under some kind of spell? Lila grinned and handed me an envelope."What's this for?" I shout. "Oh just read it and see. Your father and I are getting married are moving to a fancy hotel without you!" "What!?" I yell ,y eyes filled with tears. "Dad would never do that. He cares about me. If he was moving somewhere he would tell me and would take me with him." I say firmly. "Oh really?"she says sarcastically "Then why did he tell me and not you and why doesn't he treat you like any normal parent would treat their child? He doesn't bid you farewell like usual parents do. He wouldn't even know that you're gone. He doesn't hug you and kiss you like usual parents do does he? He doesn't love you and you know it." Her words hit my heart like bricks."No..thats not true..he doesn't want to hurt me or my feelings. That's not like him" I say but it sounds mor like I'm trying to convince myself. "Get it into your little head.Your father doesn't love you! He wanted to get rid of you since day one!" I wanted to ask dad whether this was all true but my voice wouldn't come out. Or maybe I'm just scared of his answer. I simply looked at dad with tearful eyes before running into my room. I could hear dad trying to call me but Lila simply stopped him. I didn't want to turn back..... I couldn't...I don't want to speak to any of them. I slammed my door shut and opened the letter. All it had were chores that I needed to do. I felt far worse than disgusted. I took it and squashed it and threw it on the floor. Their wedding day is in a month so I can only stay here until then. I'm just a fourteen year old girl(well barely) and I am already forced to do work and then fend for myself. I feel so angry and heart broken. I mean first I get separated from my own mum and brother who loved me and I had to stay with my dad and that disgusting pig,Lila, but now he tries to get rid of me? I mean,how much worse can this get!? I wipe of the tears in my eyes and go to get a snack from the kitchen. All that crying is making Me hungry. I realized that they are gone. Whatever. It's more peaceful without them anyway. I grab some Oreos and head to my room and start reading 'the hardy boys' which by the way is my favourite book. But of course all the peace is ruined by Lila who bursts into the room with two of the most beautiful wedding gowns I have ever seen. She walks proudly towards me. My jaw drops wide open. I remember begging my dad to buy me a pair of new jeans but he never did! And now Lila gets not one but TWO of the most expensive looking gowns. I mean how is that fair?! I fought the urge to slap her right then and there. She starts boasting "Oh look what you're dad bought for me!" Calm down Jenny. She's not worth your time."Not just one but two! I dont know which one to pick!" Jenny. Calm down. You can do it. "I remember your dad didn't want to buy some jeans for you! He doesn't care!" By now I couldn't handle it and yelled "None would look good on you anyway because you look so hideous!" This wasn't enough for me. "Get out of my room you dirty hag!"

《Authors Note》

So that's how it is and what Jenny has experienced. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

By the way what is your favourite book? I know I love detective stories! Anybody with me?

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