𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 || chapter 1 ||

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It was December 3rd, I remember it clearly. It was snowing and very cold in the school building. Noah and I were talking by the lockers, he gave me his sweater and that's where it all started.

"Noah it's not my fault you didn't study for the test." I laughed. "Well, you should've helped me. I asked you to come over!" He started laughing too. "I was busy working at the cafe, out of everyone you should know that we get really busy this month." "I know, I know." I started to realize how cold it was in the school building. I started to shiver. Noah seemed to notice this. "Here have my sweatshirt." "No, it's okay Noah I'm fi-" You're literally shivering, just take it." I grabbed the sweatshirt and put it on. I immediately realized how large it was on me. I messed with with sleeves of the jumper. "It looks better on you." He smiled. I smiled back, then turned to my locker to get my books. "Noah, if you want we can hangout today." No response. "Noah?" Once again no response. I then turned around to get his attention.

Then I saw her. Heather. The girl Noah has been fawning over for months. She walks by with this bright energy, Noah is absolutely mesmerized by her. You may wonder why I care so much, well Noah and I had something awhile ago. We kissed, it was amazing, but after it happened it was never talked about again, that's when Noah met Heather. Heather is beautiful, I couldn't even compare.

I snapped out of it when I heard my best friend Margaret yelling my name. "Y/N!" "What, what?" "You're staring again." I was indeed staring at Noah and Heather talking to each other. "I can't help it. I've known Noah since we were born. WE KISSED! How do you kiss someone and then just act like it didn't happen?" "I don't know, Noah is stupid if he hasn't realized how good of a person you are." "I guess you're right..." "I am right, now let's get to class. I'm not going to be late again because of you and your boy problems!" I roll my eyes but still laugh.

|| Time skip ||

It was around lunch now. Margaret and I were sitting at the same table like always, Noah would join us once in awhile but he'd usually sit with Heather to get her attention. I started staring at Noah again. "Girl we are not doing this again. Look at me!" Margaret said to get my attention of of Noah and his beautiful fac- STOP! Snap out of it! I looked at Margaret, "I know I'm sorry, he's just beautiful." "Beautiful my ass." Margaret mumbled something I couldn't quite hear. "What did you say?" "Nothing, nothing.." "How about we go shopping after school? You know to get your mind off things." While she said this her eyes drifted off to Noah. "Yeah, yeah I get it, to get my mind off Noah." "So wanna go?" "Sure, why not."

Hi guys, thank you for reading the first chapter! I didn't write too much but I'm currently busy also my phone is dying. Hope you enjoyed!
- Author Ari

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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