It was raining down hard. You could see the big water droplets splashing on the windshield. They would slowly roll down joining other at the bottom. I drove down slowly on the lonely streets, toward my home. I could barely see the road in front of me. Everything was gray and the sun had hidden itself behind clouds. The miles and miles of gray made the appearance of the yellow dot so subtle I had no chance in avoiding it. As I slowed down I saw a young man on the sidewalk walking. He was the prominent yellow speck I had seen just earlier. Who would walk in such weather? Maybe it was the good day I was having or maybe it was the lovely weather that sparked compassion in me. I stopped my car next to the walking yellow figure and rolled my passenger window down. "Hey, Do you need a ride?" I asked him.
"Um, no thanks, my parents told me not to talk to strangers" he answered nonchalantly. What? He looked young but not that young.
"Are you sure? I mean, it's raining pretty hard"
"Oh no ill be fine" he said in a deep voice.
All of a sudden a loud thunder clap, followed by a bright flash of threatening lightning -eerily close to us- , startled us both. He looked at where the lightning had struck, with a frighten expression.
"C'mon I'm not leaving you in the rain"
He looked defeated and got in the car, quickly.
He was wet from head to toe. His raven black hair curled on his forehead. In cute little curls, that gave him a boyish look. His face with strong, defiant features, and piercing blue eyes that stood out, with a darkish skin complexion. He looked manly but young maybe in his 18s. "Where do I drop you off?" I asked trying not to gawk at his muscles under his wet yellow shirt. He shuddered. "Hey, here, your kind of getting my car wet" I said handing a towel, that I had had in my back seat. I smiled, letting him know I was just joking. He smiled in return and wrapped the warm towel around his body. "Thanks" We drove in silence, for a couple of minutes. "Where do I drop you off?" I asked again, turning up the heat in the car.
"Just drop me off right there" he answered pointing to a street.
"Seriously, you just want to get wet don't you?" I asked
"No, it's just-"
"Before I drop you off, I'm going for hot chocolate maybe I can get you a coffee or something" I added.
"Yea, coffee sounds good" he said
Agreeing quickly. I drove to the nearest Dunkin Donuts and went in the drive thru line. Once it was our turn, I rolled the window and placed our order. He started chuckling."What?"
"So your complaining about me getting your car wet and yet you have the window all the way open"
"My car is special to me" I answered, trying to reach the cups being handed to me by the lady in the drive thru window.
"Haha, so your saying I'm not?" He asked me, smiling as he grabbed the coffee cup from my hand.
"Maybe" I answered.
"By the way, what's your name?"
"Andrew and yours?" he responded.
"Nice name"
"Thanks"I answered.
"It's hard raining" he said
"Wait, What?" I said siping my hot drink.
"Sorry i as comparing it to something else" he answered. As the words sunk in, my eyes involuntary wondered down. He followed my stare and chuckled. "I'm kiding" he added
"Yea" I said. The blood rushed rapidly to my cheeks. I was blushing and it was getting hot in the car.
"What I meant" he said after a moment of silent driving. "Was, it's raining pretty hard" he said smiling at my pink cheeks.
"It looks like hurricane or something" he added
"Mhm" I answered absent minded.
"My dad actually brought me and my mum to the beach once. In the aftermath of a tropical storm. It as raining like this. But It was amazing, the ocean looked quite peaceful. One of the best experiences I've had in a while. It was like raw beauty, that something you don't see everyday" I explained to him.
"I'm seeing it" he said so softly, that made me think I had imagine it.
"What?" I asked. I needed him to say it louder.
"We should go to the beach" he said, ignoring my question.
"Aren't I supposed to drop you of somewhere?" I didn't really want him to leave.
"Later, let's go to the beach now" he pressed.
"Um alright" i drove to the nearest beach, which was about a few miles away. We got out of the car and walked up the sandy pathway. To the pier. It was pretty much lonely and the wind kept blowing my hair all around. The rain had stopped to a low drizzle.
The rain had stopped to a low drizzle. We stood on the port and looked at the surfers surfing on the high waves deep in the ocean.
"They are so crazy" I said gesturing to surfers.
"What would you do if I was a surfer?" He asked
"You aren't" I said uncertainly.
"I am" he countered
"You dont have the body for that" said, remembering his arm muscles peeking out from under his -once soaked- shirt.
"Wanna bet, I could show you" he said tempting my wild imagination.
"Maybe i-"I started saying, but the sound of my phone ringing interrupted my rude thoughts.
"Let me get this" I told Andrew, after seeing it was my friend's number.
"Hey, Sarah, I'm busy-"
"Hello, Bethany! You have to come home! Wait are you coming? I walked out for one second just one to get the mail, and I swear It was only for a minute, then I walked in, and your little sister is unconscious"
"Is she ok? What happened?" I asked starting to panic.
"I told you, I dont know, Beth just come home please!" She nervously added.
"I'll be right there, wait for me" i hung up my phone and started running for my car.
"Hey, wait who was that? Where are we going?"
"We are going to my house."

Short story: Rainy Days
Short StoryAnother book that was written entirely based on my friend's dream Not really R rated but kind of They move fast, because if they didn't this would be a romance novel.