Never been loved

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you are sitting on your couch and watching TV while eating pizza, and then out of nowhere a romantic movie popped up in front of you on the screen, it seems a normal scene until you find yourself asking " Have i been loved ?",  and quickly you say " I never felt that before" because you have never been loved before, you may been in love but never been loved! Remember, You're Not Alone.

You spent years reading all the tales about falling in love and how sweet is it ,  You've heard all the songs, watched all the movies. And in these lonely moments you feel ugly and unattractive deep down in your heart. This is so hard and believe me it hurts so much.

Elena fernando, a 28 years old girl, who has never been loved, one day she fell in love in her teenage, but the guy she loved never loved her back, she said " no problem, maybe someone will love me in high school or college, i am still too young so no problem" but unfortunately it never happened.

Years and years, she grew up, she attended high school and college but no one loved her, she always was the smartest one, maybe funny but never cool enough to be loved!

Many thoughts and questions crowd Elena's head, as if there is a deadline for falling in love, and she's approaching it..she lost hope and felt too ugly and even worse, she started to hate herself.

This constant bombardment of a love fueled atmosphere is enough to spiral her to the "forever alone" folk or zone and that led her into an extremely sad state of mind, she fell in a deep depression, not for being unlovable but for feeling not pretty enough for any guy.

But after all of that everything is still okay..until her dad decided to plot twist her tragic story to the worst level ever.

Elena was an extremely traditional, young librarian; her italian family was old fashioned especially her dad, who said that her younger sister "Lewiza" won't get married until the elder one do, This decision seems horrific to everyone in the family, because everybody knows that elena gets rejected by many suitors who find her "old-fashioned" and "unappealing", are you imagine? she tried to obtain an arranged marriage but she usual.

Elena was not ugly as you thought, but you know that type of girls who didn't know how to style her clothes in a good way, also she didn't try to put makeup before, she was like a typical village girl.

Her sister's fiance threatened Lewiza, that if she didn't marry him within a month he will leave her and move on, Lewiza started to cry and cry, her eyes were swollen with tears for two days and their father wouldn't change his word, all the situation made Elena feels like a pressure cooker.

Lewiza insults Elena and threatens to elope, but she begs her not to elope and hurt their father and mother, and promises Lewiza that she will find a husband soon.

In the same building they live, there was a handsome guy ''Orlando'', actually one of those cool and fit guys who looks like Hollywood actors, he has a sexy girl friend called ''Marian''.

Elena went to the library as usual, she was tired of thinking about " How to find a husband'' in a month, she wants to rescue her sister marriage, and suddenly her eyes fell on ''Torres'', A man who is working with her in the same library, he seems convenient and now she needs to impress him, maybe he would fall in love with her and ask her to marry him, but how ? she doesn't know how to talk with him or how to do girls things to impress a guy.

She decided to meet Orlando secretly to ask him something, she waited for midnight and then went to his apartment and rang the bell,Orlando opened the door and he was a little bit surprised when he saw Elena, they never talked before, they met sometimes on stairs or in the elevator but never talked before, he went once to the library to borrow a book but they never talked.

She seeks him to tell her about those tips and tricks things that a girl should do to impress a guy and asked him tons of questions about what a man wants in his girl or wife to love her, also what attracts a guy to a girl, Is it her face? Is it her body? Or is it her personality and sense of humor? She told him about her sister and her dad's decision in that night.

During their conversation, a drunken Marian barges in and presumes Orlando to be cheating on her. In a fit of rage, she insults Elena and throws her wine bottle on her and leaves, but Orlando shields her and gets badly injured.

 Elena helps Orlando to his bed while her hardcore father came out of nowhere and misunderstands the whole scene,believing that they were having a physical relationship and that was  against all the norms and mores of the village society. Unaware that Elena was helping Orlando  tend to his wounds.

According to that, Elena's father, Mr fernando disowns her and kicked her out of the house, She tried to explain but he didn't listen, She raised in a conservative family so nobody listened. Suddenly she found herself alone in the street, and now there is no home, no husband, no boyfriend, she have not even have a friends or siblings.

But the thing that nobody knows that Orlando was falling in love with her from the first time when he saw her once in the elevator, he helped her to find an apartment and also he teaches her how to style her clothes not even that but he get her a makeover.

With her new makeover, she grabs the attention of ''Torres'' her work mate, Meanwhile Orlando falls deep deep in love with her, but keeps quiet when torres proposes to her, because he wants her to be happy. He never speaks about his feelings and she never knows.

But it didn't go so well, However, Torres rejects her on their wedding day, because his father does not want a disowned daughter-in-law.

On this day, Elena's heart was broken again, she felt the same ugly feeling that she never been loved even after her new makeover she got rejected by Torres and his family, Orlando couldn't keep silent when he saw her falling down, he told her that he loved her, from the first time, actually from the first sight, but she didn't believe him, she thought she was so pathetic and he was just feeling sorry for her.

She left after changing her wedding dress and went to the library, where she discovers the secret messages Orlando left for her in check-out slips, realizing that he has loved her from the beginning, from the first time as he said and he wrote those messages when he went there to borrow a book, In fact he didn't go there to borrow or read but to see her!

And finally after years of struggling Elena found her true love, Orlando asked her to marry him and she said yes, and they lived happily ever after.

After two years, Elena wrote a book, to the girls who have never been loved like she was, telling every girl that her tale should be unique, because it's yours, and there is only one you, and when the right person come he will be extremely lucky to have us because we have so much to offer and we are more than ready and willing to give our all to the person who deserves our love. Once we meet the person, we've been waiting for, the love will be authentic, fresh, exciting, and consuming. It will be everything we ever hoped for, when it's real, we'll be so glad that we  waited and don't forget the right man will always fly across the wind to say hello instead of saying goodbye.

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