Prologue - The Accident

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Screams and groans echo through your head like off of a cave's walls. "Please help us," a voice screamed in horror followed by silence. Another yelled "What good are these stupid heroes doing?" Others citizens had streaks of tears falling from their eyes as they hold unmoving loved ones close. No, focus (y/n)  Your body was growing heavy with fatigue. You steady your breath, trying to keep calm.

Holding back these monsters with a stone wall whilst simultaneously directing people away from the threat was putting a toll on you. The stress was getting to your head. This is it. Your brain said. You can't save everyone

"You're worthless, not even a good hero," a shout from your left.

Those words felt like a stabbing pain in your back. The worst words you could fathom when trying to save people. And while your life is on the line. You shake the horrid thought from your mind. "But I can save some of them, and that's the best I can do." You mutter to yourself. As you continue searching the growing rubble of city R for survivors.

Dust and debris filled your lungs. You extend your wings and take off trying to get a breath of fresh air. Your (e/c) eyes dart between the crumbling buildings, searching for some sort of way to prove yourself; that you're a good hero. About five people in a skyscraper catch your eye. "There's a few more people in this building over here!" You shout while pointing; hoping another hero will come to their rescue as you hold everything steady. You look around, in the sky and the ground, everywhere your eyes could see.


No heroes

Only monsters

You've lost sight of him yet again. Is he alive. Where did he go? Your head rang with the worst thoughts possible as you look around frantically. He's dead and it's all your fault. You could of helped him but no all you care about is yourself. He probably suffered because of you.

You couldn't save the one person you promised to keep safe.

You hate when you say things like this to yourself. Again you try to focus.

However, each scenario continued to play out in your head with unbelievable detail. Images of  your family flashed through your mind. The thought of everything you've ever loved, gone, made your eyes water. No, not here, not now. You thought to yourself as you pat at the inner corners of your eyes to dry your tears. I can't afford to be distracted at a time like this. But there was one person whose image protrudes into your mind

You couldn't resist the urge anymore, you tried to shout out for him, but your body, drained of all energy, wouldn't let you. A crumble interrupted your thoughts. You turn to find chunk of building fell, coming right for you. You felt a crushing force in your chest as if all of the air has been sucked from your lungs. "Genos" you manage to get out with a weak groan. "(Y/n)?! (Y/n)! Where are you?" You could hear the distress in his voice as he shouted from a distance. Debris of buildings and other structures fall

all around you. You try holding a few buildings together. Trying to stall time so that the few remaining civilians can escape.

You feel yourself slowly slip in and out of conciseness and then everything goes dark. Last thing you hear are the building your were holding come crashing down.

Apologies This is my first fanfic, I'm not quite sure how long this prologue is supposed to be, sorry :/

Yellow Eyes (Genos x reader)Where stories live. Discover now