Chapter 4 pt. 1

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Yo, sorry it took a little longer to publish this cause I thought that it was still a WIP. Well on with the chapter~


Chapter 4 "missing"
Meanwhile in Countryhumans timeline. The countries are waiting for Russia to arrive it been a few hours late. The other countries started to worry about Russia mostly Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. America trying to cheer them up for a bit

"What happened to Kuya Russia??" The Philippines asked and looked at Belarus

"well, I'm not sure what happened to him...I remember that he is drunk last night " Belarus said

"I can't believe that kurwa still drinking until now," Poland said and crossed his arms

"wait I thought you guys live together," America said and look at Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan

"well not anymore we living in own apartment Belarus always visited him," Ukraine said

"where is he now? It's almost passed hours we haven't started anything yet!" UN said

"yo, the chill bird will ya?" America said and the UN just sighed

"maybe I'll go check him" Belarus stands up and walks away to the meeting room

"did you guys did something wrong?" Canada asked

"or maybe America is being an asshole again like he usually does," Ukraine said

"yeah-- wait what?! I'm not!" America said

"cut the bloody tosh we should start the meeting with or without Russia" UK suggested

"The UK was a point but he might be late in updates," Germany said and assemble the papers then adjust his glasses

"I'm agreed to Germany," japan said and keeps reading yaoi manga

"oooooh, what's that? Is it yaoi again?" Italy asked

"can you shut up I'm reading the climate" japan said

"can we just don't waste some time now? Maybe let's just start the meeting and someone have to tell Russia" UN suggest

"but who is gonna tell him?? China asked and everyone looked at America

"YO WTF WHY ME BRUH?!" America said

"well, you pretty did something to Russia aren't you?" Kazakhstan asked

"well I'm not--" America said but cut off by Ukraine


"oh wow look who is finally speak up I know you really hate him too," America said then Ukraine grabs America collar and punches him

"UKRAINE!! That's enough!!" Lithuania trying to pull Ukraine pull but end up being pushed. America starting to fight back

Until the UN pushes them I guess their faces have black eye already

"that's enough you guys are really childish!" UN yelled

"Ukraine started it," America said

"YOU CYKA BLYAT--" Ukraine got cut off as Belarus the door and said

"Guys I haven't seen Russia in his house... He is gone!!!" Belarus said

It's a peaceful and cold place in the satw timeline. Three Scandinavias just having some fun stuff into the satw Sweden's house until sister Sweden and sister Finland came in

"guys have you seen finny around?" sister Sweden asked

"ugh, can you just check his house?" Sweden asked

"he is not there...I asked sister Finland but she didn't know... So maybe he is in your house and sneaking again " sister Sweden replied

"what?! Are you must be joking?" satw Sweden asked

"it's... true... My... Brother is gone.... " sister Finland replied

"well I saw him yesterday he is going to his sauna so I sneak out there... the sauna is open and the towel was on the ground" satw Denmark said

"So is he walking naked?" satw Norway asked

"I don't know... I'm not sure" satw Denmark replied

"maybe he is with Iceland or something?" satw Sweden guess

"Actually he is not in my house" satw Iceland answered and goes into the window

"Iceland?! What are you doing here?!" satw Sweden asked

"well I'm kinda wondering around and yeah I knew that Finland is missing" satw Iceland replied

"how about your boyfriend åland did he know where is Finland is?" satw Norway asked

"no..maybe I'll call him later," satw Sweden said. Until åland arrived in the house. Sweden hugs him åland totally worried to Sweden

"are you okay?" satw åland asked Sweden

"no... Finland is missing... " satw Sweden replied

"alright even he is an asshole sometimes maybe we should find him," satw åland said

"maybe we should go to the sauna that Denmark mentioned earlier," satw Iceland said

Later on, they went to Finland's place and check the sauna

"did you guys find any interest?" satw åland asked

"nope it's just vodka and guns that's all" satw Denmark replied

"Uhm guys I found something you guys check it out... " Norway said and everyone went there and shocked it's a portal

"wait is this a portal?... This is impossible... I think must be Finland went there.." satw Sweden said

"Maybe you're right... But who is gonna go there?" satw åland asked everyone just stay silent until

"I'll go... For Finland sake" satw Sweden said and everyone shocked

"Are you sure? I mean you and Finland aren't close much... " satw Norway said

"We can't just leave Finland behind again..." satw Sweden and remember that Sweden and Finland argued 2 days ago and Finland never shows up. Satw Sweden felt guilty about it

"ill join to Finland" satw Denmark said

"me too," satw Norway said

"make it three!" satw Iceland said and smiles"I'll join too I don't wanna get you hurt," satw åland said

"no åland you need to stay with the others maybe I'll call you if we got in danger," satw Sweden said and satw åland sighed then smiles

"alright... Just be careful" satw åland and kisses satw Sweden

"HELLO COUPLES NO TIME TO KISS THIS ISN'T A MOVIE!" satw Denmark said and goes in the portal. Satw Sweden just rolls his eyes and goes into the portal

"We could find him... Not to worry... "

"we will... "


And that is all of chapter 4 pt. 1,

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