A diamond in The Rough

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"Fuck Franky, I dont know what to do anymore! I feel so lost." Bea exclaimed as she taps the table. They sat in their favorite diner having their twice weekly dinner. They're just waiting for Franky's girlfriend Bridget.

"Oi red, it's been two years. No one expects you to be put together all the time." Franky says as she bumps Bea's hand on the table.

"Yeah but still."

"Still nothing, what does gidget say?"

"That this takes time, that what I went through and what I have lost will be trying to get through."

"Yeah and shes right, listen red, I feel ya I do. But you cant just sweep this under the rug aye. I know this shit fucking sucks, but your alive and thank heavens for that!" Franky's says as she sees Bridget and waves her over.

Two years ago, Bea was in a bad car accident, the drunk driver, some man named Harry, blew through the light killing himself and his daughter Debbie in the car. While Bea walked away, but just barely. She had several cracked ribs, a bad head concussion, and Her left leg was shattered from being crushed by the driver door and the steering wheel. Her leg was mangled horribly, but thankfully they were able to save it. But they had to rebuild it by plate and screw, Leaving Bea to walk with a cane permanently. With the extent of her injuries, the police department she worked for, had forcibly retired her.

"I'm losing my fucking mind, who and what, want's a cripple working from them!"

"Have you thought about just working for Liz and Maxine. You know they'll let you work your own hours and more."

"Nah, then I'd feel like I'm leeching off them. And plus, I haven't down hair since before I went to the police academy."

"Just talk to them. They could always use your help at the beauty salon." Franky says as she slaps Bea's hands.

"Oi you two no fighting!" Bridget says as she slides into the booth next to Franky.

"Hey gidge, we're not fighting!"

"Shes lying, shes being pushy."

"And why's that?"

"Red here, is bored and stuck and is being difficult. I told her to work for liz and Maxine, because we all know they will let her work her own hours."

"I think that's a wonderful idea."

"Of course the Forensic Psychologist agrees with the Paralegal Lawyer." Bea huffs out. Thanking their favorite waitress silently as the woman Beas had a crush on forever, comes over to the trio.

"Hey guys, you all what the usual?" Allie asks as she sits next to bea.

"Please, though throw in some extra slice of pie tonight, yeah?" Bridget says as she looks at her girlfriend and her bestfriend.

"Aye, which one is being difficult?" Shes asks knowing the group quite well.

Franky points to Bea and Bea just flips her off in turn. Then she turn to the beautiful woman that's next to her.

"You going to be able to have your break with us?"

"Yeah, kaz let's me take a long one when she knows if you guys going to be in."

"Bloody right she does, I'd raise hell if she didnt!" Franky says with a laugh. "Cant have dinner without ya, especially heart eyes over here." Franky says as she flicks her straw wrapper at Bea.

"Fuck you Frank's!"

"Aw so you dont have heart eyes for me." Allie says as she bumps Bea's shoulder with hers.

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