Uncle John

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I gripped him in a tight hug, "Rose I think you can let go now." Uncle John murmured, "Oh, yes, sorry" I said awkwardly while releasing him from my grip. "Shall we be off then?" He said giddily, while picking up one of my two bags, I nodded excitedly.

We got to the cab, and he popped my bags in the trunk "Thank you." "No problem, your my only niece I think I'm allowed to spoil you." He smiled. He even opened the door for me, Uncle John has always been nice, but I hadn't seen him in three years. And I wasn't really used to all the politeness, you see the only reason I'm staying with my uncle is to, well stay away from my mum, she's a drunken whore, who I believe can rot in hell. Now that may seem a bit extreme for someone to say about there own mother, but after suffering years of abuse from the woman who was supposed to love and care for you, you kinda start to think like that. Long story short, I was living on my own, but my mum threatened to kill me if I ever spoke a word of the abuse I suffered as a child, so I called John and he took me in, to keep me safe from that retched witch.

"Now as I said sherlock isn't like everyone else." He spoke as we pulled up to the flat, I got out and he payed the cabbie, I grabbed my bags and we headed in. "Yes I believe you said he was a psychopath?" I stated as we walked in to 221b "High functioning sociopath." A low voice said coming from the top of the stairs. I looked upward to see a tall, slim man with dark curls that ever so slightly fell into his eyes. "Hello sherlock." John said interrupting my staring. God I felt like an idiot, "hello John." They acknowledged each other as we made our way up the stairs, "So Rose this is Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock this is Rose Watson, my niece." John introduced us, we exchanged two simple hello's.

I followed John to a simple looking bedroom with white walls, a desk, a wardrobe and lastly a bed. "This is your room." He stated, I brought my bags in "thank you again John, for all of this." I gestured to the room, "Pfft, we had this spare room already, now we have someone to fill the empty space." He said nonchalantly "But you will tell me what happened between your mother and you." He asked although it sounded more like a demand "In due time my friend." I said quickly, I promised John I would tell him about mum, he still doesn't know about the abuse. "Well I guess I'll leave you to unpack." I nodded as he closed the door behind him. I checked my watch 4:13pm I had 47 minutes to unpack before I had to start cooking dinner, our deal was I cook, I can stay. I quickly placed my clothing in the wardrobe, stacked my books on the tiny bookshelf in the corner, and set out my toiletries. It was only 4:45pm I had fifteen minutes to relax, I pulled out 'Lord Of The Flies' by William Golding "You know the boy dies,Piggy" the low voice standing in the doorway, interrupted my reading. Sherlock stood there "in fact I did, it's my fourth time reading it." I stated "hmmm, anyway shouldn't you be cooking?" I glanced at my watch 5:07pm, crap. I looked up but he had already left without a sound.

Thank you so much for reading! The picture above is of Rose's bedroom, I hope you enjoyed the story so far!

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