Talk about it.(Part 1)

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Third Person POV

It's been a few days since Firey and Coiny last talked. From those  days that have passed they gather more and more suspicions about Leafy's weird actions.

Coiny was spacing out alot when talking to others which sometimes concerns the other contestants

Firey on the other hand makes sure no one sees him when he's looking out for her in secret.


"So.. anymore suspicions?" Firey went over to coiny who was sitting on a bench alone, doodling.

Coiny stopped what he was doing and answered Firey

"Actually.. yes. I did saw something"

"And that is?"

"Whenever she goes to the forest, I always see her pull out a water bottle" Coiny said which confused Firey

"... what's with the bottle?"

".. probably she's thirsty?" Coiny said and Firey just snickered

"Dude, you don't need to hide when drinking. It's just plain out useless if anything."

Coiny nodded "i guess you're right."

Coiny continued to doodle on his paper.

Firey noticed and took a glance at what his copper friend is drawing

"...are you drawing Pin?" Firey asked while smirking with caught Coiny by surprise. Coiny took the drawing and flipped it on it's blank back side

"Tch- wh- noooo! W-why would you assume th-that!" Coiny was getting redder by embarrassment

Firey laughed and Coiny just slapped him "OKAY OKAY! CHANGE TOPIC ALREADY" Coiny said to Firey as Firey pulled Coiny's hand away

"Ok ok. What do you wanna talk about then?"

Coiny thought for a moment " about last time."

"..what?" Firey was left in confusion

"You know, about how you said you were gonna explain to me why you don't want Leafy to know you're secretly looking out for her"


"Well..." Firey started off "Since the 15th challenge. I did tell her we were friends but. I avoid talking to her"

Coiny was left in confusion "what's the point of saying you're friends if you're just gonna ignore her?"

"It's not like that it's just. If anyone finds out that I'm friends with her.. especially the freesmarters, they'll start hating me again. Not only that eggy and needy-" Coiny covered Firey's mouth as they saw Needle pass by.

Coiny lets go of Firey's mouth "ok. Continue." Firey exhaled " i was saying, eggy and NEEDLE might hate me too if they found out i care for her"

"Well..why not just trying and talk about it with them." Coiny said

"..Talk about what exactly?"

"You know. How you actually care for Leafy. Beside, maybe they won't hate you and actually help you out!"

"Oh..uh. i dont think that's possible-"

"ATLEAST TRY!!!" Coiny cut off Firey.

Firey thought for a moment... He sighed "Fine. I guess it's worth trying. But if they start hating me I'm blaming you for it."

"Fair enough." Coiny said and Firey walked off to where Eggy and Needle were at.

"Oh hey Firey!" Eggy said and Needle waved

"Hey guys...can we talk about something?" Eggy and Needle looked at eachother and looked at Firey again

"..sure" eggy said

"What is it?" Needle added

"Well... it's about Leafy" Firey said and he watched Eggy sighed

"What did she do this time?" Needle said very depressingly

"I-its not about what she did..well- i guess it's actually what she did but- THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" Firey shouted and Eggy and Needle were confused

"Then what IS the point?" Eggy asked

"...well...the point is..." Firey inhaled


Eggy and Needle looked at eachother and back at Firey again

"What?" Eggy asked

Firey sighed "..Maybe. We. Should. Stop. Hating. On. Leafy."

Eggy and Needle just stared and were speechless.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!" Eggy and Needle said in unison, cutting off Firey.

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